Forum Discussion
As for Wraith's ultimate, reverting to its previous state is definitely needed, considering all other legends with better repositioning/chasing tools. It's still functioning at its current state though, as long as u know how to make use of it in a Titanfall 2 style (i.e. You don't see me but I can see you). I don't see many people utilize the portal as I did, not even those content creators or pro players. Also I'm NOT saying that people should take pro players as a reference to how they should play or pick legends. Pro's are good because their aim are on target and/or their movement is smooth, not necessarily because they understand the legends better than you.
As for everyone's beloved cool boy Crypto, I'll say it straight away. He NEEDS a buff, a BIG one. As I stated above, momentum is everything. Compared to legends like Octane who can moving at full speed when using tacticals, Crypto is a sitting duck on his drone. Everything else is perfectly fine with Crypto——Except the way he controls his drone. They could easily add a feature from Titanfall where you pin a position in your sight and the drone will slowly move there automatically while Crypto himself could mess around with something else. This is the easiest solution as I see it.
That's interesting I didn't know about that s7 trail thing. But if Wraith was like Titanfall 2's current phase, THEN i'd say its a get out of jail card bc you are invisible and invulnerable for those few seconds. But her being visible never made it a full "get out of jail free card" It made her super aggressive which she isn't now. Loba is very strong and I mained her for about 2 weeks. Her teleportation is very fun but I don't like using her bc i focus too much on loot instead of being aggro. She can scale 3-4 stories with her tp in seconds. Wraith has to run to her destination while being watched, tracked, and followed. If Loba had portals she'd be super op. Her tp is the main reason i think Wraith needs the small movement buff Loba got. It'd make them on par with each other for "relocation"
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