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Die Hälfte der heutigen Matches konnte ich entweder frühzeitig abbrechen, weil wir schon in den ersten 10 Sekunden nach der Landung oder aber in den letzten, mit Skill und strategischem Vorgehen erreichten Spielminuten, von einem "stolzen Schwertträger" mit drei Hieben umgenietet wurden. Teilweise im Alleingang gegen unseren Squad.
Sie sind nicht nur schneller und generell agiler als jeder andere Spieler sondern können zudem blocken, stecken gefühlt deutlich mehr Schaden ein (auch von hinten) und fliegen durch die Luft, dass es eine Freude ist.
Wer also würde sich solch ein destruktives und frustrierendes Event einfallen lassen, wenn nicht ein sadistischer Provokateur auf Entwicklerseite?
Hier einige Meinungen zum Event aus der Steam-Community:
- how did EA get the rights to put FF in this infested garbage game anyway? I guess they payed them million$$$$$$$$$$ Such a PATHETIC way to try promoting a dying game.
- Its horrible and we suffered through it long enough. FF is amazing, but it does not belong in this game. THE SWORD NEEDS TO GO! THE SWORD NEEDS TO GO!
- Square is also becoming woke and garbage, so I guess they wanted to make some similar friends.
- So this dumb sword is nothing but an annoyance. Nothing in this game is anywhere close to as disorienting as a swortd user throwing you into the air, when you don't get audio queues because of the garbage game engine.
- I love my shots being blocked by a sword as they walk towards me
- It's time for this stupid event to be over. I was 80% killed by the sword. The sword is totally OP. EA screwed up the event.
- The sword should have had a durability meter and dropped the moment you swap to a gun.
- Please make stuff like this into its own separate LTM mode, I just want to practice in normal trios not this annoying ♥♥♥♥.
- no choice, ea forcing the unbalance game to everyone, it will end soon, just play other games or modes
- Worst event i ever play. Shooting become sword dueling
- I do hope they NEVER do another FF7 event where the sword is sooooooo OP it makes the game boring as hell, I spend more time in the lobby then the game, its freaking ridicoulous
- hop on to duo, this event made me go there
- Honestly, replacing Pub Trios for this event for so long was an awful decision by the devs. To me, it's just not fun to play when you get into a firefight and some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ comes with an OP sword to smash you. It's just a terrible, terrible decision. Make it a separate game mode altogether, or limit it to 1 week, but to run it as long as they have at the expense of Trios is awful. I stopped playing Season 12, came back to it this season, stopped playing again. I'll wait until this season is done with rather than put up with that again
- they used too much money on the license, so they force the event and made it default, it was awful tbh
- more like 1 charged sword kid can wipe out a full squad alone .... if a charged sword launched u in air = u cant do anything about it ... if i get launched i simply disconnect , cuz he will just lock me in air with attacks till i die LOL
- kids run sword every single match cuz they never could get kills or win otherwise its cringe
- ya fr, it can be way too op.... it's so damn easy: click click click auto melee magnet snap!!!! f''' this queer aim-assisted event lol
Wer hat noch gleich gesagt, die meisten Spieler würden das Event lieben?