@RaginSamExpand on "It's a buffer to keep cheaters out of ranked." Does this mean that we don't care if people cheat in pubs? Does this mean that no cheater will bother to bot an account up to the required level to get into ranked? Do people not already make and sell such accounts to others?
"Since you can't imagine a solution, doesn't mean others haven't thought of good ways of dealing with it."
And yet, here we are, with no developer that I know of having taken anything like definitive steps that have resulted in anything close to a cheater-free game. If the people with the greatest interest in ending cheating, the people with the resources, professional, technical, and financial... if these people haven't put a stop to it then one of two things is possible. A. It's a conspiracy on the part of the developers to make more money. Or B. The problem is harder to solve than "doesn't mean others haven't thought of good ways of dealing with it."