@iBlockHead Okay, you asked for my suggestions.
Ability - Make it climb, make it jump, and when it gets to it's destination, make it shoot at the nearest player within 20m, but the bullets don't do damage. Also, instead of telling where the player shot from, let it scan like crypto/bloodhound when shot.
Passive - Mirage can select any characters to create decoys of. He can select the character decoy by holding down the decoy button. Mirage also is invisible for the entire time he is knocked, including during rez and self rez.
Ultimate - Cost reduced by 10%. Now creates a decoy that goes towards the nearest enemy. Decoy can do damage, automatically carries mirages primary, but has only 1/2 of Mirages total health (50 hp if mirage has no armor, 62 if mirage has lv 1 evo, 75 if he has level 1 body/level 2 evo, 87 if he has level 2 body, 100 if he has level 3 evo/level 3 body, and 112 if he has levl 4 evo.) Decoy cannot heal, goes wherever mirage pings, and finds and shoots enemies within 50m. Lasts for 30 seconds, and during the 30 seconds Mirage become's invisible, and can heal, and doesn't kick up 30000 piles of dust while walking. Mirage can also cancel the decoy. Also, if the decoy is killed, Mirage becomes visible again. The decoy's accuracy/movement is like that of the firing range bots.