Re: Is Apex dying ? Why I hate Apex and what I loved about it.
First thing I would do if this was my game is get rid of these losers who keep defending a game that needs criticism for improvement.
2nd, I would remove evo shields, highest armor would be blue and nothing more for anyone, ever.
3rd, I'd lower recoil on weapons, or make it random. No reason to fight the stupid thing.
4th, I'd remove bullet drop.
5th, I'd remove slow down effect from being shot.
6th, I'd ban 3rd party hardware, and your ip would be banned permanently. If I had the power I would brick your console entirely.
7th, I'd split console and pc lobbies. Competitions can do whatever they see fit, don't care.
8th, I would create a team specializing in anti cheat big enough to actually deal with the volume. And when you are banned it's permanent via hardware. Also option for matches to be recorded from all perspectives, like Fortnite has.
9th, No smurf accounts AKA 1 account per ip.
10th, I would enhance colors and features of character models so they actually stand out more on all backgrounds.
11th, I would get rid of audio issues, even if it means firing the whole current team, after 4 years this current state isn't acceptable. You should hear footsteps and where they're coming from.
12th, Better / more servers in places that have none.
13th, Remove sbmm from pubs to make the casual mode truly casual and fair. Challenges are random and so are matches. This is not a competition, you are choosing to play random people in PUBS which basically makes it a FFA mode, so accept random outcomes vs skill.
One can dream, right? 🙂
I know this is all "pie in the sky" stuff, but this would be my solution to "save" Apex. But I don't think it's in trouble. There's simply no shortage of new players joining only to be disappointed later, like yourself 🙂