I'm really sad about it, but I also have to jump on the hate train.
I've been playing Apex since season one and after all the people I played with switched to Warzone, I quickly returned to Apex, playing solo ever since.
I play Apex for everything that made it unique but atm I might just join my buddies at CoD, at least I have a full squad over there.
Because playing solo became even more of a nightmare; teammates are either dropping like flies within a minute after the drop or camping a building with their sniper.
Lower TTK because of lower shields and weapons like the Volt or Devotion combined with buggy footsteps, loot algorithm is still terrible, Revenant and Loba release got my hopes up after Watson and Crypto but now we got throwable covers and a stationary gun...
It feels like all the aggresiveness and the momentum of Apex's gameplay is just gone, disappeared.
I'm done playing for today, might get on Warzone later and quickly switch to Hyper Scape as soon at it gets released, which I never thought I'd do ☹️