I think the point the some is missing is that 😇 Apex Legends is a a game and (b) games are supposed to be fun. Some of us will never hit above average aiming even if we spend every hour playing Apex that we have free.
BUT I was good enough to HAVE FUN. I won most 1v1s. I won a few 1v2s. I even won a couple of 1v3s. I could use loads of guns and get kills, even the Alternator and the LSTAR. Ended Season 5 with 104 wins and 1,300 kills. I was loving it, 20-30 kills per night, looking forwards to S6.
BUT now I am not good enough to HAVE FUN and I don't have the time to practice to get better, even if that is possible. In S6 I have won one 1v2. I lose most 1v1s. My aim is not the best but with the old shield meta I could still recover, move a bit, readjust and get the knock. Now ... no chance.
You should not have to be really good (or even quite good) at a game to find it fun to play.
It's really upsetting for me as I used to love this game. I've tried Warzone, Hyper Scape, PUBG, Overwatch, Titanfall ... all trash compared to Apex.
I admire all you >1 K/Dr players but I'll never be that good (most wins in one game for me is 7).
I don't see how Respawn can reverse the shield meta now they've committed to it but it has completely made it a new game for people at my skill level (which I would have judged at 'slightly below average') and it's a frustrating one that's not very entertaining, but I appreciate you can't tailor a game to appeal to a specific skills demographic.
I'll keep in touch with the game to see if anything has been readjusted, but with a heavy heart I have to say (again, lol) Apex is no longer a game I enjoy playing.