stupid teammates
so after a long week, I back to play apex and I got worse teammates ever in my history. two of them Asian players speaking their languages and we drop in a banker one of them is bloodhound other was caustic I choose Bangalore. they gas trap all banker so no enemy gets in (no enemy died) and they loot every room, some of the gas trap is activated so I'm moving slow and I only got Mozambique and they both have good guns and shield too. we going outside so I see one squad one is a lifeline, wraith, and Pathfinder so I just go in when I down lifeline and kill her I do not see my teammates near me, the second wraith came to fight I almost hit my every single shot and she is very low and I chat to teammates to help she is only one shot but they just laughing on a mic and the pathfinders came and finish me and that so I need to watch what they are doing and I saw two goats sit under a bridge and do nothing if I have good guns then I can wipe that squads alone but no next time I can leave when I see camping teammates or running another side when we fighting other squads. dude this game is teamplay game if you are playing like rats and mouse then play other games. try 'civilization'
yeah you get people like that unfortunately.
I was just in a game where we landed at run off got in to a gun battle won but our life line got knocked so I picked her up as soon we won the battle. We then proceed to slums where their was a battle and the enemy team was re spawning their player. I got in to a fight with blood hound while my teams life line was running for higher ground.
I knocked the bloodhound and was getting shot in the back by an octane I ended up getting knock our blood hound was taking his time to catch up I was right long side the death bins of the bloodhound and octane that we killed the enemy and they proceeded to loot the boxes and let me bleed out. I had 3/4 of health left on my knocked timer before I died. So I took my 4 kills and left no need to stay they didn't care to revive me and rather loot all the boxes instead of picking up their teammate.