Forum Discussion
1) Afaik there IS a new player matchmaking rule in place (it used to be something like lvl1-20, no more; anything above goes into the main pool), but it might be ignored if there are simply not enough players to fill the lobby.
2) Casual MMR is very loose and fluctuates greatly. You get good game - you play with much better players next game, you get 1-2 really bad games - you can go back all the way to the bottom in no time.
Still, to be put into "predator" lobbies after just a few games, you'd need to pull at least one or two 3k+ damage 10+ kill wins. If you're actually slaying like that, why do you think you belong in those "noob" lobbies?
And if you got 1 great game by accident, no worries - you get destroyed in a couple of games with 0 damage and you're back in average-town.
P.S. Kills <> skill. Some1 with 10k kills could still be a hardstuck silver player (and there's nothing wrong with that; and I'm also sure that player is glad he's not matched with predator players just because he played a lot - THAT would be unfair). Don't judge your opposition by just how long they have played.
pred play with plat all the time in matches with me, thats all i get as a level 11 ive won 2 games out of 30 something and my kd is less then 0.70 even. how the hell is THAT fair? i understand its to keep smurf accounts from popping up but at ths state and rate, they mind as well just match people with their lvl. thats why me and my friends have stopped playing Apex Legends all together and play warzone. i play with friends easier and the devs make a MUCH more playable experience. less cheaters, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY; ITS BEGINNER FRIENDLY. * apex, its been dead since season 3. fact.
- 4 years ago
@TicklemytonyWon 2 games out of 30 something? I win 1 every 20 games and I am not mad about it. 5% win rate is optimal for a Solo-queue player.
Less cheaters- LOL you must be kidding. Warzone does not even have an anti-cheat and is plagued with cheaters. I am not saying it has way more cheaters than Apex, but it's definitely not less. Besides because Apex has higher ttk, it's easier to spot cheaters.
Beginner friendly-You are right about that. Apex has lots of mechanics to learn and is way harder than Warzone. Warzone is just campers sitting on roof and sniping. At the end of the day, you either get better by improving or give up and move on to a much easier game.
DeAd GaMe- what's the obsession with hurling 'dead game' everywhere? Does Apex has no players anymore? I am sorry but I didn't know I was playing against bots! And I get pub games in <10 sec. These players I play against must be a figment of my imagination!! 🤡🤡 Saying 'fact' won't make it one.
You said you are lvl 11? So that means you started playing recently, how do you know Apex has been dead since S3??Where have you seen a PC players in console lobbies? Console players only play against other console players. Your post is riddled with baseless claims.
- 3 years ago@ILostT0Loba Crossplay is console and pc combined