Dear EA_Kent,
I have been experiencing the following issue for 2 days. code:net is the most common one, besides that i also get the code:cloud and code:leaf and cannot get into a game, even if i do its like few minutes and then crashes with one of the codes shown. I have been struggling to fix this for 48h plus. I am a PC gamer that has been playing APEX LEGENDS since season 0 and its the first time that i have experienced this. My friends got the code:leaf issue back in Season 8 and that is the point where they quit the game completely. Seeing how i cant do anything on my end even though i went through all your community advices and support, i rebooted all network equipment, rebooted the game and changed profiles (to friends profile to check if its profile related even), i tried disabling firewall and also adding apex to exception app in fw, i tried disabling anti virus, re-installing Apex completely, changed dns, changed gateway/modem, contacted my internet provider even. This happened for me 2 days ago and havent been able to play it since and its really annoying since i have the season battle pass and wanna play it. I am a techie guy myself and tried every possible solution offered online or from your support to no avail. My internet connection is 1Gbps UL/DL and PC specs are: i7 6700K; 64 gigs ddr4 (3333mhz) G-Skill; 1000W PSU Corsair Platinum, 3080RTX Super; x4 1TB Samsung Pro SSDs (custom build) and never had issues with internet connection or any connection or issue with PC. Also running win 10 (x64) PRO edition. My ingame name is 533K3R (if needed). Please advise so that a resolution is found as soon as possible please, i dont know who else to contact or turn to anymore.
Kind regards and hope you will get back to me soon,