2 years ago
Gifts wont unlock
I have completed turning on login verification. How long till i can send gifts ? I have reset my game and console multiple times already.
- 12 months ago
There are a few things to check, in order to be able to send a gift to someone else:
Make sure you have done the following:
- have EA Login Verification turned on,
- (The easiest way to check is here: ttps://myaccount.ea.com/cp-ui/security/index (make sure the status is "on"))
- be Level 10 or higher in Apex Legends,
- have enough Apex Coins on your account for the gift,
- add the person as a friend in-game, (Please verify you are in-game friends and not just friends on your platform)
- be friends in-game for at least two weeks - platform friendships don’t count,
- have sent no more than five gifts in the past 24 hours,
- have an account in good standing.
For more information, check out our post here: Breakout Rewards Free Gifts - A Guide to sending gifts in Apex Legends
- have EA Login Verification turned on,