I can't link my Apex Legends account
Hello everybody! So, i have a problem, recently my Steam account got hacked and deleted, I created a new Steam account, opened up apex legends, Shadow Bon on apex, and logged in with my email and password, but im not able to play with my old account, beacuse it was already linked to my old steam account and i cannot link the same Apex Legends account on my new steam account beacuse you can only have it linked to 1 account, I have no idea how to fix this and I don't want to lose my account, is there any way that my account can be unlinked to my old Steam account so I can link it to the new one? Sorry if my English is bad as it is not my first lenguage.
Hey folks,
While you are typically limited to linking a single other account from each platform to your EA Account, there are some specific situations where we're able to change that link to a new account.
We'll need to verify some additional information about the account first, so that is not something that can be done via the forums.
Please reach out to an advisor and they'll be able to check over the account to take a closer look at this for you.