Issues after Cross Progression is activated on your account? Check here first!
Hey Legends!
If you're encountering any issues after Cross Progression has been enabled on your account, please let us know here!
If you're encountering an issue, please let us know which platform(s) you play on, whether you had recently linked or unlinked an account, and which platform(s) content seems to be missing. Also please specify which platform was your main.
You'll know your account has been migrated once you see a notification in-game similar to the ones below. Note that those who only have one platform linked will not see the second image as there wouldn't be anything to merge, though the account will still be converted to enable Cross Progression going forward.
Cross Progression notification:
Cross Progression merge notification:
For general Cross Progression information, please see our guides below:
A Quick Guide to Apex Legends Cross Progression
Now that Cross Progression is here: what you need to know
You can also join the discussion below if you have other questions or concerns about Cross Progression: