Forum Discussion
Lol i never had a game that has issues like these, this is the first time i experienced it with the dev not giving a fix over a month, wow Respawn.
The stutter still persists. What an effed up game. The game was fine until the thrillseeker event. It made everything worse, especially in BR. Arena is kinda playable. But I don't like arenas. I want to play without stutters.
- 4 years ago
22 pages in that topic and all time no fix lol
- 4 years ago
Honestly, do they really even acknowledge this 100% CPU usage bug? I've seen the trello tracker, but it hasn't been changed since when it was added on July 9th.
And it seems like its not just a tiny minority of players that are experiencing this bug. I haven't seen any updates about the issue, unless I just haven't been looking in the right places.. Anyway, does anyone have any new/recent information from devs about the bug?
- 4 years ago
They don't seem to care. My optimistic guess is that they're keeping it under the radar to fix it on season 10 and don't get more bad attention from media saying they're frying CPUs after the recent hack/servers problems. But they might just not care at all and will just leave this as it is. At least they'll lose Japanese revenue cause man they're flooding Twitter about this bug.
- 4 years ago
The old Trello tracker seems to be nothing more than a 'sweep it under the carpet exercise & just say everything is fine' to trick players into thinking things are getting sorted out when in reality they are not.There seems to be more 'investigations' being done in the game than at the FBI.But hey ho only 2 days left to sort all the problems/issues for the start of Season 10, but then again I won't be holding my breath for that.
I tested out a few games in BR Trios just to see what the various new buffs & nerfs to characters & weapons & whilst the servers seemed to hold up reasonably well the matchmaking was an absolute disgrace ie more Predators Teams,more laser aim-bots than ever (the sort of player who don't miss a shot from over 150 metres through the eye of a needle) I'm at Level 400 with two of my highest main kill count characters a little over 2000 each but every match I seemed to be constantly pitted against opponents with over 30,000 kills each.Mark my words if the bad servers don't see players dropping the game like flies in Season 10 then the *-poor matchmaking will.
- 4 years ago
@ildeserto wrote:They don't seem to care. My optimistic guess is that they're keeping it under the radar to fix it on season 10 and don't get more bad attention from media saying they're frying CPUs after the recent hack/servers problems. But they might just not care at all and will just leave this as it is. At least they'll lose Japanese revenue cause man they're flooding Twitter about this bug.
can confirm this one. pretty sure this is part of the reason why tokyo server (the main one, not the GCEs) which was always crowded before is now struggling to get a lobby with full 60. the other reasons are probably blatant hackers on gold to diamond and servers that crash at least once a week.
- 4 years ago
@ildeserto wrote:My optimistic guess is that they're keeping it under the radar to fix it on season 10 and don't get more bad attention from media saying they're frying CPUs after the recent hack/servers problems.
Yeah, i thought that too but who am i to know.
- 4 years ago
I honestly hope it isn't the case that they just don't care about it. I've seen English users on twitter as well as the many Japanese users talking about the issue on twitter, and the responses of the EA help twitter just seems like that most of them don't know about the issue. I've seen maybe 1 EA help person saying it's a known issue and gave the person workarounds, whilst many other replies have literally just been giving the most obvious "solutions", such as making sure video settings are at the lowest possible.
It does feel like it's affecting more Japanese users though, unless they're just more vocal about it on twitter. I wonder if there's any consistencies in PC specs from people who are affected?
- 4 years ago@ttkttx yeah i was trying to understand that, if there was some specs that got the problem like "all i5-7400 " something like that, but isn't everyone that puts his/her pc specs in the comment ahahahhaha but maybe this is a start knowledge to respawn ... they should pass a vote link with some CPUs so they can track the specs with problem.... or this is a random problem that came to some PCs when the genesis came out....
- 4 years ago
this is pretty bad, because i was having this problem in the Origin App, so i came to steam and the game was fixed, i've played like 6 days, then the thrillseekers event came out, in that day the cpu usage on STEAM, got fu***d too.... it's strange this happening .....
- 4 years ago
Some much needed publicity on website on what we've all been calling for in season 10.
- 4 years ago
please tell me why I have stuttering in this game, I have 144hz monitor rtx 2070 ryzen 5 3600 16gb ram 3200mhz game in season 6 ran smoothly using riva tuner and fps unlocking, as of season 7 I have a problem with this game, I don't have frame spikes, I don't have 100% CPU usage but I have * stuttering, the fps are constant, every other game runs smoothly, I only have a problem with this game, does anyone know the answer to this question? I would be very grateful
- 4 years ago@Redmattgame Finally someone talking this in midia, i feel bad and frustrated that any youtuber has talked nothing about that, i tagged a lot of people in twitter but no one make a little short comment about it in their videos, to call Respawn responsability....
- 4 years ago
Let's just hope there's a fix. I can't believe I still have Apex coins and didn't spend it because of this 100% CPU bug.
Japan we need you
- 4 years ago@EL-Lucky_Loco Gaming sites such as IGN,Eurogamer,Metrotechgames etc have often mentioned about performance/server issues in the game over the past few months.Youtuber's such as JMeyels,Thordan Smash, KijannaPlays (& others) have pretty much been consistant in mentioning the very same issues as well.Some Youtubers do mention that they are often in discussion with game devs & insiders who work on the game.
Fingers crossed for season 10 tomorrow though. - 4 years ago
if they dont fix that in s10 start than what we can doo? only uninstal?;p
- 4 years ago
- There's no mention of the CPU usage issue on the just-released season 10 patch notes.
- 4 years ago
@ildesertoYup nothing in next patch. Will probably have to wait another month lol.
Here is reply from a Dev - 4 years ago
@SpectreFang "Hopefully" lol. As if the number of people running into this issue isn't getting bigger with every new update they roll out... We've been here since the Genesis update and it's been 1 month, when Season 10 drops even more people will get their CPU fried and they think it's okay to just say "we're looking into it".
I guess it's time to quit.
- 4 years ago@ildeserto i'm start to wish that this bug affects everyone in the game, including big streamers, so maybe in this way they do something to help us, because every time one big streamer have some issue like us, the issue get fix like 1week...
- 4 years ago@SpectreFang let's hope they put a stealth fix to this .... i would love to get a hidden fix that don't getting nothing lmao
- 4 years ago@EL-Lucky_Loco Yeah Its on low priority becuase it doesnt affect them. This game has streamer based economy so people like us are always a lower priority.
- 4 years ago@SpectreFang yeah, i'm trying hard, posting at all tweets that play apex and some devs post... about the problem... i saw that they forgot to put into the patch notes that octane will get a louder sound effect so i asked about the bug, but i got ignored lmao
- 4 years ago
So much for a 'new season a fresh start' probably more like 'new season same old problems'.
- 4 years ago
@SpectreFang wrote:@ildesertoYup nothing in next patch. Will probably have to wait another month lol.
Here is reply from a Dev this means we are likely going to miss Season 10's opening. Got no choice but to find another game to play while Respawn is "investigating"
- 4 years ago
@Redmattgame wrote:So much for a 'new season a fresh start' probably more like 'new season same old problems'.
Yeah, pretty much.
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