The old Trello tracker seems to be nothing more than a 'sweep it under the carpet exercise & just say everything is fine' to trick players into thinking things are getting sorted out when in reality they are not.There seems to be more 'investigations' being done in the game than at the FBI.But hey ho only 2 days left to sort all the problems/issues for the start of Season 10, but then again I won't be holding my breath for that.
I tested out a few games in BR Trios just to see what the various new buffs & nerfs to characters & weapons & whilst the servers seemed to hold up reasonably well the matchmaking was an absolute disgrace ie more Predators Teams,more laser aim-bots than ever (the sort of player who don't miss a shot from over 150 metres through the eye of a needle) I'm at Level 400 with two of my highest main kill count characters a little over 2000 each but every match I seemed to be constantly pitted against opponents with over 30,000 kills each.Mark my words if the bad servers don't see players dropping the game like flies in Season 10 then the *-poor matchmaking will.