Ive recently been banned on apex from my steam account. I had it linked before. I never bothered to play apex until a week ago. Ive been playing it on and off due to work but just recently been able to get some more time.
Around saturday when i came home late from work i saw my account banned and suspended. Why? Apparently i had typed some things on chat but heres the kicker. I RARELY TYPE. So i go back into my email and look at the dates and they were definitely during when i was working.
I realized i shouldve had 2fa but i thought stupidly that steam handled that. Now after wanting to pick this amazing game up im banned. Permanently. For something some hacker did.
Ive had a case open for awhile on it and i have still not gotten a response. From THERE i contacted. A nice man on twitters ea help account and was told 2 WEEKS MINIMUM. On a response. I realize its not just one persons fault.
Maybe EA is backed up with requests. But please come on. If your support line takes 2 weeks for most the time being accounts being banned due to the amount of hackers maybe something isnt happening. If i have to wait 2 weeks so be it but please. I just want to get my account unbanned and better secured so i dont have to go through this again.
Ive had so many good matches already with nice people. Even had a laugh when one of my squad mates did a jump in a trident and flew off the cliff!