Hi there,
I'm sure you must see a lot of these but I'd just like some sort of explaination/justification/actual communication really. My friends and I wanted to get back into Apex legends, so I jumped on steam and downloaded it, got in and played around togther in the firing range and were looking forward to playing in an actual match. We queue up, get into a game and I'm booted, I completely forgot that I was infact banned for cheating just over 2 years ago now -I wasn't cheating-. My steam account is linked to my origin account, so I'm stuck there and whilst I could just download the game again via Origin and use a different account, I kind of don't want to out of principle.
I sent a ticket off asking for the ban to be reveiwed, just like I did 2 years ago and got the exact same response of 'We got your note and did a full investigation of your account. After reviewing your case, we determined that we took the correct action in accordance with EA policies and procedures.'. I kind of knew this was going to happen, but it still really frustrated me.
I believe I was banned for the use of some illegal software or somthing (I'm not really sure, it just says cheating) but this was never me. I got home from university, I sat down to play some Apex with some friends and I'm set to a legend I don't play, I'd got a few levels, and there were some other things that made it clear to me I'd been hacked (that honestly I don't quite remember now it was ages ago sorry! I think some of them revolved around having language settings changed or somthing?). I promptly changed my password, set up login varification and went about shooting people and crying about wraith being too hard to hit. Very next day, I'm banned.
Basically what I'm getting at after all of this is, I've been hacked before on other games and been banned for cheating, but always had them revoked because it's obvious it wasn't me using the account, via IP adresses and other identifiying factors. Why is that not the case for this game? I think it's plainly obvious from any data about where the account was logged in from/where the games where played from at the time that it wasn't me, but both times I've made a ticket about it, it's just 'We were right, stay banned'. I can't believe that there isn't some information about the offending games somewhere that isn't completely at odds to my usual IP/location/timezone or whatever. What is the reveiw process for problems like these; it's claimed that my case was looked into but if you were to take my claim of being hacked seriously it must've been abundantly clear it was true? I honestly just feel kind of lied to because I know I wasn't cheating, and I've not heard anything more back than what amounts to 'u were tho'. Atleast tell me how I was cheating, when, and approx location or somthing?
I apologise if this is the wrong forum page for this, I didn't really know where else to put it, and sorry for the wall of text. Many thanks in advance if you did somehow manage to make it to the end of this. I hope you understand my frustration, I just want to let my friends down by dying on drop in like I used to ☹️