I been banned for 3 weeks now for cheating. I had not played the gave for at least a week prior to the ban. I have contacted EA CONSTANTLY for the past week. First when I put in my case, they brushed it off and said that there was no way to fix it. Then I had to actively call them and they FINALLY pushed my case to a specialist. That guy said that it wouldn't take that long because there were not many cases. Fast forward 2 weeks later today, I'm still waiting and they said that they have MANY CASES like mine and they are BACKED UP. And after 2 weeks, they finally told me that the reason for this ban was cheating. Never told me WHY I was banned in the first place.
I did some investigating on my own. Found that I played a ranked game back when I actually didn't touch the game prior to the ban and I had a friend with Chinese characters in the name who is now gone and deleted. I do not play any ranked games, so I know that I was hacked. I did all that investigation in a matter of minutes that EA hasn't finished in 3 weeks and counting. EA, You guys are ridiculous. GET YOUR * TOGETHER!!!
UPDATE: After 2+ months of bothering their customers service team thru phone calls and live chat, I finally got unbanned. They had me reset my password and it works now. Thank you EA, but you guys are still so ridiculous. EA has got to get the * together and do better in customer service. I had to wait almost 3 months to get unbanned and that is unacceptable. And after reading some of these post, people are still banned for over a year with the same issue as me. I'm just here to confirm with everyone that a TOS team DOES IN FACT EXIST. Just keep trying.