4 years ago
Add a server browser
DICE, please add a server browser. I cannot find matches in my region(India). I am just stuck on the waiting for players screen and the match never starts or there are only 20-30 players in a match. ...
Agree! I am from South Africa and have been struggling for 4 days to get a game. EA please do something!!!
@Samuelza135 wrote:Agree! I am from South Africa and have been struggling for 4 days to get a game. EA please do something!!!
Yeah 4 days is totally unacceptable we need to keep highlighting these issues with MM.
The more players who post details of their negative experiences with MM the better.
I notice there are more and more threads popping up with players not being able to play due to MM problems.
DICE need to replace MM urgently and address the problem by giving us a proper Server Browser / Server System ASAP.
In BF1/BFV there is a MM that work together with server browser. Why can't they do that with this game??? They already have server browser in portal, why not just use it will AOW too??
@lK3njil wrote:In BF1/BFV there is a MM that work together with server browser. Why can't they do that with this game??? They already have server browser in portal, why not just use it will AOW too??
That my friend is the one big question the community has been asking on a daily basis and we are patiently awaiting an answer.
It is the only logical solution and there is no reason why they couldn't implement this, we can but hope.!
With the lack of a browser and the constant 3 maps over and over you are effectively killing what is left of this games community. Get a darn server browser already and dump this god awful matchmaking!!
Search for games on portal (make sure crossplay is on) - people host games daily on the ZA server, you can even find full 128-player conquest games sometimes (ZA server most populated in the evening/at night and during weekends)
DICE please listen to the community, all players have the right to play the game they paid for.
We all need to keep pushing for a server browser to be added in the May update, MM is killing BF2042.
Please add your support if you want MM replaced.
Did they merge threads or something?
Anyway yes please add a server browser and persistent servers.