4 years ago
Add a server browser
DICE, please add a server browser. I cannot find matches in my region(India). I am just stuck on the waiting for players screen and the match never starts or there are only 20-30 players in a match. ...
Thanks for supplying those details.
So the only real benefits are financial gain to EA and the downside is players are having to suffer the frustration of being dumped back to the lobby after every single round.
As I have said many times, never being able to stay on a server and play through the map rotation is my biggest gripe. Coupled with playing the same map over and over as you mentioned, together these two issues have basically ruined BF2042 for me and by the look of things many others judging by the forum posts on this subject.
I sincerely hope DICE reverse their decision and give us a proper Server Browser and persistent servers and allow us to choose how we play BF2042.
p.s. They were definitely forcing Kaleidoscope on me yesterday and I was not amused. 😃
matchmaking is a problem but not the main problem. we need persistent servers
Yes I agree, my topic subject should have read : DICE add a Server Browser / Persistent Servers to AOW. as that describes it better.
I have amended it accordingly.
I'm all for persistent servers, but there absolutely needs to be an aggressive and effective team balancer between rounds. In addition the balancer would block mid round joiners if it would upset the balance.
Competitive/good players would just server hop until they could find an easy server to pub stomp.