4 years ago
Add a server browser
DICE, please add a server browser. I cannot find matches in my region(India). I am just stuck on the waiting for players screen and the match never starts or there are only 20-30 players in a match. ...
We need a proper Server Browser / Persistent Server System for the good of our sanity.
I find the current system of not having a Server Browser / Persistent servers in AOW to be totally frustrating.
I personally am fed up with all this hanging around in menu's to be put in a map of MM's choice, especially when many times you join at the end of a round.
Then you have the luxury of being dumped back to the menu after every single round to start on the merry go round all over again.
I was put in Kaleidoscope 4 or 5 times during yesterday because MM decided I needed to play it over and over.
I want to be able to join a server of my choice and stay on that server and play through the complete map rotation like I was able to in previous BF's
What happened to player choice ?, who thought it would be a good idea to force players to play the game the way MM decides.
Also the fact that many players in different regions are reporting daily that they cannot even get into a match at all should be reason enough for DICE to sit up and take notice of where BF2042 is heading.
Think how much easier life would be for Clans / Squads / Parties to play together if we had a decent Server Browser / Persistent Server system. !
We all paid for this game, please let us play it the way we choose and add a Server Browser / Persistent Server system in AOW.
@ATFGunr wrote:
@RayD_O1Lol where you been the last months of the hue and cry for persistent servers? It may not save the game, but it sure won’t hurt. Their experiment has failed spectacularly, I’m hoping they’ll figure it out.
Where have I been. ? Where have you been ? 😃
I have been right here since the game launched, and like so many other like minded players we have been asking for this daily, !!
Just because I raised a new thread doesn't mean I have suddenly just noticed the problem, quite the opposite in fact. Some people are probably sick of the number of posts that I and many others make on this subject, 🙂
But we will continue daily to ask DICE to replace MM with a Server Browser / Persistent Server System. And we will try to keep this topic to the forefront and therefore introduce new threads / posts accordingly.