3 years ago
Really? I mean really? Anyone think this gun is okay lazering people from 100m plus. For LMG? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU_VK7NonkM&t=260s
Guns overall just don't feel right, the avancys just shows this... Just like the K30. These weapons act outside their class (assault rifles) but don't have the drawback of that class.
Avancys recoil is very low and even at range pretty solid, like an AR should be. However, it doesn't have the downside of a low clip size like an AR does.
K30 is similar, as it is very accurate and the fire rate makes the damage fall-of negligible.
Is it OP? Hmmm, not completely... But it definitely needs a tweak. Or tweak the older rifles so they actually fit more in their intended ranges.
SMGs: Close range
LGMs: Close/mid range
ARs: mid range/long range
Marksman: long/very long range
Sniper: very long range
And yes, this will get people angry if their SMG isn't lasering people down 50m down range but... that's the whole idea... DICE just threw in these weapons and then tries to make everything work in any situation. Don't even get me started on shotguns...
Until and unless the K30 or SMGs in general get looked at, the likes of the Avancys should receive no changes at all!
And Jack Frags?
Nothing to see there.....
The Avancy is overpowered at short, medium and long range. With the underhand she is simply overpowered. That stays until the next great update, which doesn't fix any bugs, just adds more.