Which maps presently provide a poor opening experience because of the location of the Base Spawn?
First of all every map in the game is absolutely disgusting.(except manifest). The maps are so massive that even 128 players do not seem to be chaotic at all in conquest. My suggestion to this is adding more cover to the maps(buildings , houses , at least something) and completely redesigning the maps instead of what you guys did placing the objectives differently. The portion of the maps where there is no cover needs to be cut out , this will help players to get back into the action really quickly and also solve the problem with the WALKING SIMULATOR. Hourglass and Kaleidoscope in my opinion are the worst maps in the game, they end up in being a vehicle farming people simulator in no time. Hourglass is to massive to start with, the map has absolutely no cover, most of the sand dunes can be cut down from the map, make the stadium more closer to the city and remove 3 objectives at the stadium (in conquest), in 128 breakthrough in hourglass playing as a defender is absolutely horrible. You get farmed by vehicles,(Bolte and attack chopper and little bird) there is no cover and the amount of vehicles given to the attacking team is absolutely ridiculous. 2nd sector should have 2 objectives to capture not 3.Discarded is overall a decent map if you cut out the first sector in 128 and 64 breakthrough, the attacking team has to walk for like 10 mins to get to the objectives while the enemy vehicles kill you and when you are doing so. The open areas in discarded should have more houses and cover and the size of the map should be slightly reduced. On conquest 128 and 64 apart from the areas that you have to run, it is a solid map. Orbital on both 64 and 128 breakthrough is probably the best experience in the game but on conquest this map is too massive, I think 25 percent of this map should be cropped and more cover is obviously appreciated. Breakaway on 128 breakthrough, it can be hard for the attacking team to capture the 2nd sector apart from that its decent on breakthrough but on conquest holy crap this is where your WALKING SIMULATOR kicks in there is absolutely no cover and this is the biggest map in the history of BATTLEFIELD which i ok with but add some * cover dude come on who thought adding no cover would be a good idea. Put some brains man the vehicles in this map kill you every time you spawn. You walk for 10 mins only to get killed by a helicopter. I think you guys did right with the objective placement on kaleidoscope but that map is AWFUL it needs more cover the vehicles need to be reduced and more infantry opportunities need to be added, also please add some cover in kaleidoscope as well. Renewal is a map that can feel both overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time sometimes i enjoy it but others i get killed by those god damn boltes while walking through the open areas spread through out the map, again add more cover and cut those areas that make the map unnecessarily massive on 128 conquest. This map is terrible on conquest. WALKING SIMULATOR again. On breakthrough i feel it is decent but over powered vehicles can destroy the game sometimes. NERF THOSE BOLTES DONT YOU GET IT. Manifest is not like the best map i have ever played but since the rest of 2042 maps are so awful, manifest stands out to be the best out of all. There is some * cover so you dont have to get killed by snipers and boltes all the time. It is Awesome on breakthrough 128 and 64, Good on 128 and 64 conquest. Since there is cover the players do not have to get exposed to enemies all the time hence you dont get killed by vehicles. Adding more cover also leads to good vehicle balancing as well.
How do you feel about the current balance between Infantry and Vehicles in Breakthrough?
As i said above adding more cover and nerfing those choppers and boltes would easily solve that, also decreasing the map size where there is nothing important.
Have you played 64 player Breakthrough, and do you feel that this is the better way to experience the mode?
Yes i have played 64 player breakthrough, I think Decreasing the number of vehicles in a game in general would help the people take more infantry combat.
On which maps and Flags do you see the most immediate need for more line of sight blockers?
Kaleidoscope As you guys have fixed that in the prototype do it for other maps as well.
Do you have specific areas on maps that currently stand out to you as lacking cover?
i have mentioned that above in detail.
Orbital for sure, the run from B Objectives to C is largely open with little cover.(This one for sure)
Do you have thoughts on how we can better define traveling paths between objectives to keep combat focused?
As you guys showed us that in the prototype just do it for all the maps. A more rectangular path is generally better. Also the E1 objective on Breakaway 128 breakthrough is completely useless make that objective closer to the rest of the map and cut out the map that has no cover.
Do you see improvement opportunities to make it easier to understand how to get from one objective to the next?
Adding transport vehicles that are actually transport vehicles unlike boltes. Add some vehicles in the game which have no turret attached to it and please NERF DA 30 ML CANNON ON THE BOLTE. The little bird can be really annoying as well at times, SO NERF IT PLZ.
Its a shame what BATTLEFIELD has come up to. Also a suggestion on the specialists that you added in the game which made a military shooter into a hero shooter, thanks for that DICE. So first of all remove those cringy voice lines from the game at the end of the round or at least till then give an option to turn of those stupid lines. There was a time when battlefield created new trends, now its just following them. Also a specialist gadget called SENTRY GUN needs an immediate nerf since it spots players through bushes and kills them extremely fast. Just reduce the TTK of sentry gun by like 90 percent and also remove the ability for the sentry to spot players. Also boris i find to be the most annoying specialist. My opinion on specialists is to improve the way the look and remove the voice lines. Make them look like generic soldiers like in every other BATTLEFIELD game. Also there are hardly any guns in this game, there are hardly any maps, there are hardly any game modes. Please keep adding more guns and maps for keep people playing till the remaining seasons of the game. Also rush is the only game mode in this game that doesn’t suck because no vehicle spam, more focus on infantry and the layouts for the rush chosen are the ones that have some cover, but recently i have been not been able to play rush since 2 weeks now because the games dead i hardly get any players in rush. The game just forces me to go in the assassin squad and the server does not fill up. Team deathmatch and Free for all game modes are usually good but i do think that the layouts of some maps can be improved. For example in kaleidoscope i think that the stadium would be a way better area to fight instead the open fields. Hazard zone - All i want to say for this mode has been already said in a YOUTUBE VIDEO by Stodeh. I think that most portal layout work awesome and flow really well because they are from the older games 😬.
As of guns i do not think that any gun in the game is super broken but the PKB and K30 can get a slight nerf.