Hi all. I have a Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 joystick. Two of the buttons don't work any more but it's still awesome. I got rumble to work for it with Grand Theft Auto V and would like to do the same here but I no longer have my Origin copy to test it out, since I refunded it once I got the Steam version working with my joystick.
Steam working with Joystick:
You need the Steam store version of the game.
You MUST have Properties > Controller > Enable Steam Input for your joystick to be recognized in-game.
I have defined and then saved my joystick layout within Steam as a PS4 controller, but Xbox360 worked as well. This is found via : Steam Settings, Controller, General controller configuration which is at the top, select your joystick, Define Layout, map the buttons, save your settings and it will ask you what kind of gamepad you're saving it as for sharing it with others.
Under Steam > Settings > Controller > General, I have ticked both Playstation Configuration Support and Xbox Configuration Support.
- If your bindings are messed up or axis is not being read, you also need to delete your PROFSAVE_Profile in your "Documents\Battlefield 2042" folder because the game has issues saving keybindings correctly it seems, leading to Yaw/Throttle conflict in my case.
Go through all controller settings, make sure all inputs for controller were cleared besides pilot.
Make sure everything besides pilots in Controller Schemes is marked as 'Custom' so your blanks override the defaults. Beware the CUSTOM crash if you mess with the pilot settings and try to change them both away from custom!
Use Steam to map your joystick buttons to exactly what they need to be in game, rather than tweaking them in game.
Origin working with joystick - I am still trying to find out how to test this when I don't have Origin's BF2042 any more:
- Install VGembus or SCP, using Xoutput or X360ce, plus HIDhide or HIDGuardian to hide the default joystick as Origin gets confused if you have more than one thing plugged in.
- Getting HIDguardian to work correctly has been a right pain. Once it hides my joystick it does not recognize it for any sort of binding within X360CE so can't make progress there.
- X360CE got vibration working within the app but not within Steam's BF2042 even though Steam recognized the emulated stick there as the controller.
- Personally I'm afraid that this solution runs the risk of triggering Easy Anti Cheat. I'd risk it if I could be sure rumble would work on my old stick but without it, I'll stick to Steam.
More details here: