@X3D-Phantom Yes. Smooth and normal. In an ideal world I would have hidhide and x360 working perfectly to create rumble in my joystick like I could with GTA but I had already refunded the origin copy as I can't afford it on both steam and origin. Plus I had spent several days trying to figure it out before realising that bf2042 had a hard time writing to its own profile settings and had conflicts there if you don't change everything besides plane to custom and clear it, while control schemes and key bindings for plane you need to leave at default in game. It's been frustrating and put me off, today is official opening day but I'm just going to bed. I can't play with all my friends or join on them mid match because of this terrible system re squads, no server browser etc. Can't save a server I selt up in portal either. The game fights me trying to like it.
At least flying feels good on the rare occasion I can get into one where I'm not spawn camped immediately by a floating enemy. I miss static spawns and stationary aa which punished them for camping.