@Ih4zl00tTo keep it simple, start with just a few things bound. It was confusing for me too! Left stick y axis to your throttle, left stick x axis to your rudder, right stick y axis to your pitch, right stick x axis to roll. If I recall correctly. These should all show up correctly in steam controller settings. The rest you do where you want. Leave those pilot controls at default in game control schemes, blank the keybindings out for all other movement types and set those control schemes to custom. And don't change them away from custom or the game crashes! And if you've changed them or bindings AT ALL before, delete and start with a fresh profile in your settings folder!
When you have that much working you can go back into steam and change your buttons to what you want to match the xbox controller profile in game. But you have to re launch the game for it to recognise the redone bindings from steam too.
And yes this was nearly two days of fussing and experimentation for me lol
I think I cover all this in the reddit post