Conquest Hardcore needs some work
Yes I know its temporary, yes I know there are measures in place to prevent tk, however...
There needs to be something in place in comroses or 3d spotting like a 3/4 spot option in place to warn others to be aware that there will be a frigging incoming kerosene bomb nuke in place at a specific location and or a way not to tk with HE rounds from Draugr and tanks...
The amount of unintentional tk I got with a kerosene despite telling people to be aware is least make the ally dots visible from a distance (if someone has a color that works if I struggle with blues on eyesight, lmk)
Sure while we're at it in cqc maps like redacted, let's mention the idiots that * at you while using Crawfords minuligun
Mainly the fact that people can tk you intentionally, revive you, do it again and again and again and you can't stop it unless maybe moving squads and locking it for griefers.
It needs to be reworked
There used to be commander mode in bf4 that warned allies and squad mates about a heavy enemy presence AND to gtfo before a nuke...
Give us something so anti tk procedures don't kill us if we kill friendlies accidentally while in Draugr with nukes/HE rounds.
Off topic...why do APS systems block AP draugr rounds...they are AP bullets no? I get HE rounds but why AP?!