4 years ago
Dear DICE / EA - open letter
Dear DICE / EA, I'm writing this because I don't want you to get the wrong idea/impression. The vast majority of this franchice's fans are looking forward to a modern age tactical mil-sim shooter, ...
well said, i really do hope you can get your refund, but i'm guessing you got more chance of platting pi$$, they have had your money and will have no intension of even trying to sort you a refund.
I played the early play test and the open beta and that was enough for me to NOT buy it, it was so terrible it's just not worth my money. The thing is, the community really need to just act and NOT buy it, then they will actually put out something worth buying when they see sales so low. (hopefully). 2042 is the first BF title I've never bought and tbh I'll probably never buy another. Well i may pick it up when i see it at the local petrol station for a fiver and the way it's going I can see that being pretty soon lol