@GiSe87 The main problem I see here is that in your opening statement , you say that we want a "tactical milsim shooter" , there hasn't been a single game in the franchises history that fits into that category.
And the fact that bfv was an absolute * show as well , limited maps , new features that didn't work , promised features that never arrived , ttk changes that didn't need to happen , players blending into maps , meta that support laying and hiding in the games textures with lmgs and the three hundred other things that came with it.
The entire reason people bought this game was because we thought after the absolute butchery that was bfv , surely they would have to listen this time around and cater to what the community wants.
If you can't even get the games description right , or directly state what the community actually wants ( nothing like a milsim we just want a good old Battlefield game we know and love ) then the rest of the letter is invalid, I get what you are doing and praise you for doing it , but it wouldnt get read past the first paragraph if it was my desk it came across.