4 years ago
Dear DICE / EA - open letter
Dear DICE / EA, I'm writing this because I don't want you to get the wrong idea/impression. The vast majority of this franchice's fans are looking forward to a modern age tactical mil-sim shooter, ...
@Ti4_S4ndYGameplay-wise, BF3 and 4 are not a better choice over BF2. But the scope of games and amount of content between 2011 and 14 is simply amazing. Look at ESL league and modded servers, some of the "features" back then.
Teamplay is reduced to a minimum in BF2042 because of a lack of Squad Management, classes, VoIP, Platoons, global chat, dedicated servers. Also, open maps, Ego-centric abilities like wing-suit, and a harpoon that helps you to get ahead of squadmates, at least vehicles may pick You up.
Absolutely zero, no incentive to play as a well-organized Squad or a clan.