@IamSeilos I agree, but if you appeal it'll be reviewed, and if what you say is true there's a good chance it'll be overturned.
You want an investigation, so ask for one, I'm fairly sure EA would rather keep customers than ban them if they're legit.
Can and will trigger false positives are not the same thing though, and the teams that handle this generally know why false positives can occur.
Hence, appeal if you're sure this is a mistake.
If the appeal fails most you'll probably just get something along the lines of "we can confirm your account was found using (insert infraction here)" unless they want to be specific and call you out.
They're also not going to just make things up, so if it comes to that, well, you asked for it.
I understand your side of the argument, the problem is though that we on the furms only have your (or any other poster's) word for anything you've (they) said and that doesn't amount to much either if we're going to be objective about this.
Look at any major FPS forum and you'll see posts like these every single day, and a few are false positives, quite a few are not.
The forum users have *no* way of knowing which category you or anyone else posting the same problem fall into, that's entirely up to account management to figure out.
I'm not being unsympathetic here, but it would be somewhat hypocritical not to extend the same courtesy to EA as you feel should be extended to yourself as observers.
We all know cheating is a massive issue across gaming at the moment (and that includes console), and if you play legit as you say, it shouldn't be a stretch to understand that you won't be explicitly told why you were banned, because it won't take the bot makers long to find out what loophole was just closed based on the amount of users they have that get banned, but no point in literally handing them the information (if this isn't an accident).
The flipside of that coin, if you are legit as you claim, then appeal and work with the account management team and try to fix it.
Because yes, we *do* need anti-cheat these days, even if all they catch is the cheapest bots out there, because MP games in general are being absolutely ruined by the amount of cheats available.