4 years ago
False positive bans
I just got a false positive banned from BF2042 this morning, while I was not even home... how is this even possible? I guess its rip my ultimate edition. I believe another user @Gryphonv got the sa...
Best way to determine a false positive dectection is to open a ticket
I did, on EAC, as well as in EA Help.
Sent the HWInfo32 file too.
Waiting game it is...
I Sent an email to EAC too how do I Send My HWInfo32 file??
Second appeal denied, and they told me they cannot disclose what got me banned.
Seems like they are using the chinese law system where 99.9% of people charged with a crime are guilty by default.
So on the off chance I did do something but I am unaware of what it is, I cannot even correct the behavior.
They essentially are telling me not to buy another EA product because they can and will ban for any reason and not tell me the reason.
That sucks. sorry for you. No answer on my first appeal yet.
It is hardware ban if I am not mistaken?
@GryphonvI'd still try and get a refund if I were you. Can't hurt to try. yes I know you played over 2 hours and got it off Steam. Just make up something good.
Yep same had mine denied today I have tried on twitter to tag them and tagged jay2cents
I have around 280 hours in the game. The only thing I can think of is c5 drones, which if is an exploit then why does it register as a drone kill rather than c5? If that's an exploit, there's no way to tell it is and shouldn't be a ban-able offence.
Maybe it's chat, but it's so stripped down... I did put curse words in backwards one night. The game is rated MA though. Chat shouldn't be filtered at all.
I always connect from my home ISP, so if my account was compromised, that should be obvious. I changed my PW in case that was the issue so it doesn't affect other games.
What's ridiculous is that they won't tell you why you are banned. I bought the game on steam, but didn't connect it to ea yet. I was playing on origin pass. If I start another account I will lose 280 hours of progress and the only things I have any clue on are no c5 drones and don't chat in game?
Edit: removed part of my post because it was in reply to another and this post didn't show up as a reply.
Hmm, how many of us have played SOLO - Conquest/Breakthrough and got an high or impressive KDR?
I am not talking about Portal mode and XP farms (don't include).
I still read this topic to try to see what patterns emerge. Nvidia GeForce, Logitech GHub, AHK, etc. now I see SOLO vs bots.
I had been playing since launch with AHK (not for gaming - it's a program I use for work) in the background, and never had issues in BF2042 or with any games including past BF games and current EAC games until this ban.
Trying to figure out what things I changed about my behaviour leading up to the ban. And one of them is, I did play SOLO-Conquest, spawn in a little bird and go 100+kills, 0 deaths in several rounds leveling up vehicle upgrades. Would their systems be dumb enough not to be able to differentiate an extremely high KDR vs bots and a low and average KDR vs humans.
@crazyjackalI did something similar but it was on the Kaleidoscope rooftop and got I think a couple hundred kills over quite a few rounds. But see I did that at least two weeks if not a month or so prior to the day I actually got banned. On the day I got banned I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary.
if ur playing solo and thats exploit then why iis it in the game, it shouldnt be a thing,. they removed different modes of the game so why not remove single player if its classised as cheating, i doubt thats what it is....Iam just waiting for tom hendersons publish may be then ea will fess up
I'm running amd video. Overlay hotkeys for the radeon software don't work in 2042 for some reason, at least not in Windows Fullscreen.I did set the fps overlay to true in 2042's console on Friday which was the last day I played.
I have icue for my headphones that I use sometimes. ghub for my logi pro mouse. Synapse for my Tartarus v2. I don't use scripts in anything. Discord is running sometimes.I also have Amoury Crate since I have an ASUS laptop(which doesn't appear to have been running for a while, just opened it to a greeting for a bunch of updates).
I wonder if having all of these various apps cause problems. It's not like I want to run them. It's frankly dumb you have to run so much software running real-time to use hardware. Give me an app to set settings, then close it. That's another rant though.
For work, I have a VM that has a VPN connection to my work and a uVNC connection to a MAC that I use for work purposes. These are almost always open. They always have been. I'll lock them, but I don't close out of everything at the end of my work day. It's never caused an issue before. If one of those is the cause, then I should have something telling me that rather than getting my account banned.
Then Steam, Battle.net, and Spotify are open a lot too.
I keep my gaming PC clean of pretty much anything more than gaming stuff and put everything else in a VM or on my other PC.
I did do a bunch of solo rounds to rank up different guns. I did play around with c5 drones for a few days. If those are a ban-able offenses, then using a part of the game is ban-able...
If hacks were used on my account, it was compromised and that should be easy to diagnose. Either that is not the case, or they don't care to check IP logs.
The largest issue here is that no one is told why they are banned. How can we or other people know what can get them banned if there is nothing to say why you get banned.
I agree that everyone here is going to say "I didn't use any hacks" and many probably did. I'll say the same and you have no way of knowing if I'm being honest.The issue is that I know I didn't, therefore I believe there are plenty of other people here that didn't. So for all of you naysayers, bug off. You don't know what you're talking about because you haven't been banned (yet). Most hackers will just move on because they know why they are banned. Most are not going to come to a forum and gripe about it. Their unreasonable stats would speak for themselves and they would have no argument. My stats are probably around average if not below.