4 years ago
False positive bans
I just got a false positive banned from BF2042 this morning, while I was not even home... how is this even possible? I guess its rip my ultimate edition. I believe another user @Gryphonv got the sa...
I was also hit by that banhammer on Nov/14/21 4:37 PM UTC.
Unfortunately EA is refusing to reinstate my account on the grounds of cheating when, like many others, I know I wasn't. The TOS team doesn't seem to be going in depth with their "investigations" and so I've resorted to filing additional disputes and reaching out to Easy Anti-Cheat as well. I'm glad that RayMero got his ban lifted and it gives me hope for the others who were enjoying their time with this game. I can only hope that the software and the support team itself improves. Good luck everyone. If anything happens changes I'll post it.
@RaccoonOffender this has been the exact same time for me, 4h37PM last sunday. Definitely a glitch on EA's side.
Anyone who hasn't DM'd Tom Henderson on Twitter. Please do. He is looking for as many people as possible who are falsely accused to provide him with the relevant information so that he may have enough data to push the issue further.
It's a long shot but appears to be our only shot :P