4 years ago
False positive bans
I just got a false positive banned from BF2042 this morning, while I was not even home... how is this even possible? I guess its rip my ultimate edition. I believe another user @Gryphonv got the sa...
I was also hit by that banhammer on Nov/14/21 4:37 PM UTC.
Unfortunately EA is refusing to reinstate my account on the grounds of cheating when, like many others, I know I wasn't. The TOS team doesn't seem to be going in depth with their "investigations" and so I've resorted to filing additional disputes and reaching out to Easy Anti-Cheat as well. I'm glad that RayMero got his ban lifted and it gives me hope for the others who were enjoying their time with this game. I can only hope that the software and the support team itself improves. Good luck everyone. If anything happens changes I'll post it.