4 years ago
False positive bans
I just got a false positive banned from BF2042 this morning, while I was not even home... how is this even possible? I guess its rip my ultimate edition. I believe another user @Gryphonv got the sa...
And there it is. When a company like EA has total control of the product as is this online only multiplayer, then they get to dictate when and when not I can play said product. In other words, EA has the ability to take away my ability to play Battlefield 2042 even though I paid for it. Is this legalized game usage theft?
This reporting system is why I have to stay away from multiplayer. And that is so sad, because gaming should be fun. We don’t need more stress in our lives EA! I play in the solo/coop but EA has, of course, messed that up also with the banning of progression that they promised. EA is such a ban-happy and promise-breaking company.
I see the trend now. Quite possibly, more gaming companies will follow this model of total control of their games. The gamer only gets to play in their world.
There’s a parallel to this in real life isn’t there (:
I am with man this outrageus revolting makes me sick.
it is a possibility that is provided in the game, which makes no sense to me. I share my account with my son because games are so expensive, the minimum wage in my country is less than 700 euros, and he follows streamers on you tube that teach people how to level up fast the guns, so, normally, he follow the advice.
And there is more, Easy Anti Cheat is banning PC players because of some software they have installed:
These were some of the programs players found conflicts with the game:
I have all the raze, aura, and of course GeForce.
This is unacceptable, why are we being banned, for having legit software installed.
Another thing is the hypocrisy of EA, I bought this game full of glitches and bugs, unplayable for a guy my age(less skilled), and with so little time to play so playing co-op to level up was the best choice and it is an option that he game gives you.
What makes me angry is that in previous releases like BF5 and BF1, those games were a mess and full of hackers and what has EA done? NOTHING just didn't care, and we were left with servers full of hackers. I don´t hack I hate cheaters and teach my son that cheating in video games reveals what type of person you are. When you implement an anti-cheat system it has to be fair, I quit warzone and gave another chance to EA because of the cheaters in Warzone. I can agree with a system that punishes players by the type of infraction but BANNED? We are talking of 60 euros and from a company that has no moral.