I've opened about a dozen tickets now with no response. Just completely ignored by EA Help.
The Executives running EA should be ashamed of themselves for allowing their support structure to operate this way.
I feel like they're hypocrites for allowing things to exist as they are.
The appeals process above is what's pushed on the EA help site and has had no impact.
I've now even taken it a step further by emailing CTO Marija Radulovic-Nastic. I don't necessarily expect a reply, but I've done it.
I found a phone number for her as well, though I've yet to call as that would be a step further and could result in retaliation against my account overall. I have no trust or faith in the goodwill of EA Help at any level at this point.
One of my next steps is not to start a Change.org petition since being loud seems to work to get EA to notice issues in the past.
I'm not being unreasonable. I'm not being irrational. I'm not requesting anything from EA as a whole that I do not also personally embody.
I have been very patient and respectful of the process, even when that respect is not due.
I do not just want my issue fixed. EA needs to overhaul their support structure to actually be an effective entity to support their player base. They have the money, there are zero excuses acceptable as this type of issue has been ongoing for years.