Forum Discussion
This is not a 'trollish' post, it is an opposing opinion held by many.
- 4 years ago@ninjapenquinuk It's not 'nonsense' when they are not supported and that is BEFORE we get to macros etc.
@Z3nMestar1 and if crossplay isn't there or at least, not enforced?
Would you advocate M&KB players being identifiable so that controller users can see if they have been beaten by better players or an advantageous input device? - 4 years ago@Trokey66 if they arent supported then that is a different kettle of fish, but surely they will be on PS5/XX. This is 2021. Again, IF, they are supported then people have a choice. If M&K is so superior and you have the option to plug in a M&K, why would you opt not too, or would you just be a puritan and stick to a controller come what may? I personally prefer a controller for the CQ stuff, as it certainly wasnt my strong point back in my PC days (some would say it still isnt!!), however i feel a M&K is certainly better for mid/long range engagements.
- 4 years ago@Trokey66 If crossplay isn't there it's a shame. Your suggestion sounds OK. Personally I don't mind - if I'm beaten - I'm beaten. As long as not being beaten by a cheater.
- 4 years ago@Z3nMestar1 But then there in lies a major problem, mamy feel that the use of such devices as XIM and Cronus is cheating.
INB4 "But DICE have said it's not cheating....." - 4 years ago@ninjapenquinuk Arguably I, and many others, could be described as Puritans in regards to controller use on console, not a bad thing just a different point of view.
It is DICE's hands and they will have to deal with any fall out. - 4 years ago@Trokey66 Im actually more interested in M&K support being 'normal' on the PS5 in the hope that it will mean more strategy type games appearing on console - Civ / Total War type games, than massively bothered about the continued use of controllers in FPS games.
- 4 years ago@ninjapenquinuk not an unreasonable request really, I just don't like their use in FPSs because of the advantages they bring over controller.
I would have zero issue in their use in the type of games you talk of as there is no real advantage gained over other players. - 4 years ago@Trokey66 I think those equipment were for PS4 and similar where you had to buy the "Sony made K&M" to play with K&M and with XIM you can use your own. Probably depends on the pov is it considered cheating or not.
- 4 years ago@Z3nMestar1 no, those devices deceive the console into thinking that a controller is being used and I have no doubt that PS5 versions are in development.....
- 4 years ago@Trokey66 Well, it's great that there are options to choose from!
- 4 years ago
I quick Google search reveals that yes, there is a XIM PS5 firmware update available.
- 4 years ago
I'm a console player and I hope we keep it controller only for First Person Shooters. Many of us console players enjoy the casual comfort of using a controller. With a KBM, you need to sit up straight and get into a "desk locked" type of position. Its a more rigorous position then sitting on the couch with your controller. So we like relaxing with our controllers and if KBM comes on the scene, it will compel us to use a KBM to be competitive. I vote to leave consoles alone as a controller driven device. (At least for competitive games.)
If you really want KBM, do the work and configure a XIM on your console or play on PC.
Consoles have been a stable platform with little cheating and parity of hardware and use. Part of the attraction is they are low cost and are not always changing. We don't need to turn them into PCs with the addition of KBM control. Controllers are comfortable and fun to use. So please let us keep our controllers.
- 4 years ago@Forkbeard84 I would say that nobody is taking away the controllers! Maybe there would be a smilar option to choose like "crossplay enabled" if someone would like to play with K&M against PC players. Different story if the game developers have created such an option that when crossplay is enabled then you could use K&M on consoles..
- 4 years ago@Z3nMestar1 It might be ok if it works like you say. I really don't want to have a bunch of KBM console players owning us controller players in Battlefield.
- 4 years ago@Forkbeard84 As long as everyone is having fun and enjoying the game to its fullest! Let's hope they would reveal something soon that would make everyone happy. Too optimistic ?
- 4 years ago
Doesn´t Halo (Master Chief collection at least) have an option in the matchmaking for controller input?
If you play with controller and only want to play against people with controller you can do that, if you have keyboard and mouse you can choose to only play against keyboard and mouse.
Or you can choose to matchmake against all, and this is both on Xbox and PC, cause you can also play with controller on PC.
And Halo also has it so you can´t switch between inputs during matches, if you start a match with controller you cant switch to keyboard during the match to trick the matchmaking. The keyboard does simply not respond to your input while ingame if you have chosen controller. You have to back out to the main menus if I remember it correctly.
- 4 years ago
@Trokey66 Considering people can eliminate recoil and mess with fire rates using a xim or crocusmax I would say anyone using it is sure as hell cheating not playing fair on an even playing field.
- 4 years ago@Blackidus Very good point! Hopefully EA has something like this coming up.
- ragnarok0134 years agoHero+
@ninjapenquinuk wrote:
@Trokey66 If the new consoles have support for M&K then all this level playing field nonsense is null and void as anyone has the choice to plug in a M&K if they think its better. Its then all about personal preference. The one caveat i would add to that is the potential for macros etc on M&K and i'll admit i am very much out of the loop with regards all that.@ninjapenquinuk But can't you already make macros with aftermarket controllers like the Scuff? If so that cat is already out of the bad and has been since PS3/360 days.
- 4 years ago
That sounds like a great idea!
- ZjemCiKolege4 years agoSeasoned Veteran
@DutchRustyDove81hmm for now you get controller(ps5,xsx,pc) vs keyboard (pc) wow very unfair game needs input based matchmaking players should be given choices on each platform 🙂)
- Its_Travis_1994 years agoHero+
Cross-play can simply also be turned off then. To not worry about the PC player.
- ZjemCiKolege4 years agoSeasoned Veteran@Its_Travis_199 Understand I don't want to turn off crossplay as I want to play with my friends on other platforms like in cod i can choose input type 🙂
- 4 years ago
@Z3nMestar1 wrote:
@Trokey66I think those equipment were for PS4 and similar where you had to buy the "Sony made K&M" to play with K&M and with XIM you can use your own. Probably depends on the pov is it considered cheating or not.According EA's own updated guidelines for what is cheating or not, then modded controllers, keyboard scripting and mouse scripts is all cheating.
As using technology beyond the intended for the gameplay by the game designers to nihilate the games intended weapon recoil and other functions, such as doing auto tagging of enemies, to aid auto aim movements, to auto move/slide/bunnyhop soldier, to make single action guns full auto......... is all cheating then per EA's definition of cheating for BF2042.
And that is the reason why the PS5 now comes by encrypted links between the console and the controllers, to ensure the game developers have full control also on what accessories are used for the gameplay. If EA do not enforce strict AC measures, then we are done. Game over for the AAA game franchise, as we do not pay $60+ for a license to be swamped by cheaters.
I for one praise this move, as we do not want to see the console gamer world plunge into the hacker/cheater mayhem that the PC world has become. The very reason many of us left the PC gaming world years back, as we want a level playing field and totally fed up with the immature cheaters.
- 4 years ago
SO....any news about m/k support on consoles?
I've just seen some christmas skins in update #3 and i can tell BF2042 is getting a new direction with the franchise.
I guess EA want to compete with FORTNITE since that game is so successful and all that matter for the garbage people from EA are money.
Already requested refunds on ULTIMATE EDITION PS5 .
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