Forum Discussion
I merged a few other posts into this main one (hopefully I did it right)
- 4 years ago
Fully agree, I can't imagine a shooter game without M&K support. Actually I will cancel my preorder if it is not available in the beta or confirmed for the final version.
- 4 years ago@MrRockArm Me too. I won't buy game until the confirmation. Will buy vanguard instead if there is no mouse and keyboard support. And wait for halo release.
- 4 years ago
The devs delay game to add mouse and keyboard support am i rite DICE?
- 4 years ago
I totally agree and have cancelled my pre order I think it is a DISGRACE that we cannot choose our input method like pc players can for a game we have purchased JUST LIKE THEM.
I'll just switch to COD which DOES have Mouse and keyboard support on console, works fine any excuses EA makes are because they are backward and lazy.
- 4 years ago@TTZ_Dipsy Could you change the title to just consoles. The Xbox players have the same issue.
- 4 years ago
As a pc player I'm all for m and k support for console. The less controller players in a lobby, the better my experience is going to be.
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- 4 hours ago