Forum Discussion
Indeed, one could argue that point and click is less of a 'skill' and (although I hate to bring in the realism argument) there are nriys reason why a round 'doesn't go where the gun points'.
Also spread mechanics and indeed suppression adds a layer to the gameplay that was missing in BFV. It became whoever saw who first won.
@Trokey66Apart from range, non sighted in optics, or poor weapon maintenance, the is no reason your bullets should not be landing on your reticle.
I still don't see why you think having realistic recoil and removing RNG also removed the need for good trigger control. Burst firing a weapon still reduces gun recoil, but you should not have to do it due to an RNG mechanic.
You're right, If I see you first, and have better aim and recoil control then on top of gun mechanics am also in a better position than you, I should win the gunfight, I don't see what the issue with that is.
- 4 years ago@Neovisi0n What about physical, physiological and environmental impacts? The 'heat of battle' if you like that we don't experiance on a sofa?
- 4 years ago
@Trokey66yes i get that, which is why technically BF5 is more realistic because the randomization is introduced via the wobble in the sight instead of the trajectory of the bullet like in BF4.
But as such, I know that my bullet is going to hit exactly where im aiming.
BF5 at is base is a better mechanic, but its also annoying for your gun to not be locked to the center of your screen.
but even still, on a properly set up gun, your bullets should still hit the location your reticle was aiming at when you initially fired (technically I guess it would actually be where your reticle was as the bullet left the barrel, but my point stands).BF4 seems to take a note from games like CS:GO while BFV seems to take notes from mill sims both games mechanics are to a much lesser extent than the examples i listed, neither are good solutions for a FPS game. Though if I had to choose one, I would absolutely choose BFV over BF4
- 4 years ago@Neovisi0n Dont go into discussions with this guy, you'll drive yourself crazy lol
- 4 years ago@Ingeniekey are you talking about me going into discussions with them or them going into discussions with me?
- 4 years ago@Neovisi0n I think he's talking about me bud.
- 4 years ago@Neovisi0n Who knows.....
But that said, I do think a BFVish gunplay is the easier to learn and makes the gameplay too twitchy.
And as the video above shows, balancing was very difficult. - 4 years ago@Neovisi0n Yes and no.
My ideal would be so where between BF4 and BF1. Both these games had pros and * in there gunplay for me, an example being BF4's suppression being to strong but not quite strong enough against snipers in BF1. - 4 years ago@Trokey66 I agree with your example, but I cannot get behind the idea of my bullets not hitting where my reticle was pointing when I fired. it changes fights from whos got better aim and skills to who has better RNG. obviously there are things you can do to increase your chances of hitting in BF4 (like having better trigger control) but I think those skills should be used to control the actual recoil of the gun rather than mitigating the effects of an RNG mechanic....
- 4 years ago@Neovisi0n I think in a game like Battlefield, there should be more to engagements than 'twitch' gunplay.
- 4 years ago@Neovisi0n And I feel that it adds a layer of depth that prevents the expectation that every gunfight should be winnable.
Each to their own but I do believe that at least in part, BFV's gunplay was contributary to it's 'failure'. - 4 years ago@Neovisi0n No, no, no, it's the EXPECTATION that every gun fight SHOULD be winnable that BFV type gunplay can create.
It is what Assualt action man became..... - 4 years ago
@Trokey66Yes exactly. and in a competitive PvP FPS game I should be going into every gun fight expecting that it should be winnable. And if I don't win it should be because I got outplayed and it should be MY fault for * it up not just because the game decided that it was going to paint a silhouette of the person on the wall behind them due to RNG bullet trajectory...
it sounds like you're looking for a RP game more so than a competitive FPS...
- 4 years ago@Neovisi0n Come on, Battlefield has never really been a competitive game although it can be played competitively, subtle difference.
And no, that is not what I'm after, I just think that there should be more to gunplay than just 'twitch' skills. - 4 years ago
@Trokey66I genuinely have no idea what you mean by twitch kills... are you talking about the gun bouncing around when you shoot????
If you're playing the game to win, its a competitive game... if you're not playing to win, then idk why you're playing... maybe you're just a casual player, but the distinct goal of the game is still to win, making it a competitive game.specifically catering major gameplay mechanics to the casual player is a really good way to make a terrible game...
- 4 years ago@Neovisi0n And as we saw with BFV, catering to the tryhard competitive types wasn't a roaring success either.
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