Forum Discussion
@A_al_K_pacino_AI agree with him to an extent, but this is also not what im arguing about. Your reticle should be locked to the center of your screen. what he doesn't realize is that the spread he like is still the same as the sight moving around, just instead that randomization is only seen in the bullet rather than in the sight placement on your screen. I hate this too. I think randomization should be completely removed all together, I don't care if its experienced in the sight or in the bullet, they're both crap.
I hope 2042 takes a note from Rainbow 6 siege by removing all RNG and make the control only based on the actual recoil of the gun, You still need a very large amount of skill, but there is no RNG.
technically, BFV's mechanic is a lot more realistic, but I would prefer that be left for games like squad or arma.
Also RB6 recoil looks very gamey and dated tbh.
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