Last night I was playing on Discarded. I ran round a corner into three infantry. I killed them with my SFAR, taking damage as I did because they were shooting back. One of the three was a Boris who was literally putting the turret down as I came round the corner. In the time it took for me to kill them, the turret activated and shot me as I was turning on it. It's a really poor game experience to outplay three players then get killed by a crutch.
Bear in mind also that there are still issues with sound in the game - not all sounds play consistently, and in a hectic environment, they might not always be audible. We've all had the "surprise vehicle" moment before, but that's just the most extreme example.
What is worse is it can be dropped after you kill them. I cannot tell you how many times I win the twitch battle, and I am at 10, and as they are dying, they drop a turret that finishes me off
Killing someone after youre dead is bogus as hell
Additionally, they tend to set up the turret near a corner and lay down behind it. You turn the corner and destroy the unit that they use as cover, and they one shot you because the turret is 99% of the damage.
There is a large group of players who come to these pages asking for more EZmode. EZMode kills games. This game has one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel. Making it easier isnt going to help. I am the worst player who plays this game. I should have named my account Bullet Bait. If anyone needs EZmode its me, but I will debate against it till the day I die.
The game is not supposed to be EZ
However, in an effort to contribute something constructive for Rangers and Turrets
- AI prioritizes other AI
- If AI targets player, nerf the bullets to 5 points of damage and slow the ROF. A bit of help, but not a killing machine
- Allow AI to target vehicles and do moderate damage to vehicles.
- Continue to let AI target drones (and for those of you who know my posts, I am Caspers #1 fan)