Forum Discussion
Please remove the ability to place C5 on drones. This is becoming really stupid, players are just 1 shotting tanks and vehicles.
This is not the same as placing the C4 on Quad bikes as there was equal opportunity and danger. That was fair.
But with drones, even if it gets shot down, the player using it is safe behind some container. But the chances of it getting shot down is low, people are flying it and can easily reach any vehicle.
Especially when playing breaktrhough, defending team can fly it near spawn and instantly kill any vehicle coming out. This is ridiculously one-sided and a complete advantage for the drone user who will at most only have his drone shot down. There must be equal chance, either tank dies or drone user dies (should not be able to be revived as he will be camping behind some container with team mates around)
Every tank is getting instantly killed and its a very unfair advantage for those using this exploit.
Please remove the ability to place the C5 on drones!
- 4 years ago@GosBiker Oh gimme a break, stop the crying. This has been a valid gameplay technique for just about every game. Now that more vehicles are in-game it's even more legit.
- 4 years ago
Maybe you should read, was the quad bike with C4 valid? Yes, it was. Why? Because it had equal chance of getting destroyed and the player riding it gets killed if he fails.
Now, this C5 + Drone is absolutely one sided.
Those losers that camp inside some container, load it up with C5 , and blow it up at vehicles coming out of spawn. And if they fail to blow up any vehicles, no worries, cause its a totally risk-free kill attempt as only their drone gets destroyed and nothing else. But if they manage a kill, they get rewarded with vehicle destroyed bonus & multi-kills.
This is totally one sided and totally becoming more of an exploit.
- 4 years ago
Just blanket the area with smoke. Adapt and overcome.
- ragnarok0134 years agoHero+
@Threedog1421 wrote:
@GosBiker Oh gimme a break, stop the crying. This has been a valid gameplay technique for just about every game. Now that more vehicles are in-game it's even more legit.@Threedog1421 keep your interactions civil here on the forum even if you disagree with someone's position.
- 4 years ago
If that doesn't happen, I at least expect to see drone being unable to fly and just drag along the 3 packs of c5 as it's trying to "go" somewhere, NOT leaving the ground level.
Another thing I noticed... during a tornado, drones are not affected like other vehicles, if they are within the red area. Your tank will begin to get dragged toward the center of the tornado ever so slightly if you get too close to the darker danger zone... the drones don't appear to be affected at all.
- 4 years ago
@Threedog1421 wrote:
@GosBikerOh gimme a break, stop the crying. This has been a valid gameplay technique for just about every game. Now that more vehicles are in-game it's even more legit.In previous games, the drone wasn't invisible and was difficult to control. Now it's just easy to control and near impossible to counter.
- 4 years ago@GosBiker meeh. Disagree. People loaded up drones in BC2 just about every match. Don't really see this to be an issue in 2042.
- 4 years ago
This is just a random video I found on YouTube. You can see how overpowered this is.
- You can just sneak the drone from high ground and tanks won't even be able to aim at it
- Its a spotting drone, so it makes it even easier to even spot tanks and infantry from far away
- When the drone gets shot, nothing happens to the player. But if he gets the kill, then he gets rewarded with xp, multi-kills and vehicle destroyed
- There is no real counter to this from a vehicle driver perspective when this drone is sneaked behind or above you
- Bunch of 5 to 6 defenders (which every single Breakthrough game has) can defend an entire point with this alone
This has to be patched or removed. Its an exploit.
EA admin how do I report an exploit? I would want to report this exploit. Or can this thread be moved to bugs/exploit section of the forum for consideration?
- 4 years ago
I don't think it can be classed as an exploit.
It's a valid mechanic, allbeit and annoying one.
What about allowing a drone with one C4 on it?
That way at least a drone pilot would have to time a well executed attack on a tank with low health.
- 4 years ago
I think it's entirely valid to put C4 on Drones, as it is for anything else.
Now if they had some pigs in the game...
- 4 years ago
I'll say it's fair when you let me deploy a squad's worth of Irish's weapon shoot down system on my vehicle and drive around protected by it. But they don't allow that, because it would be ridiculous.
- 4 years ago
I already made a post about this, and I partially agree, but I think I have a better solution.
This is what I said...
C4 drones are cool and it is a fun new mechanic to the game.
However, they have made tanks next to uselss because it is far too easy to fly down a drone with x3 C4 on it and BOOM!!
Besides, 3 big packs of C4 on such a small drone is highly unrealistic, it wouldn't fly.Therefore, I suggest limiting the drone to only x1 pack of C4.
That way players can still enjoy the mechanic, and take out a soldier or a well executed group of solders.
Also, a well timed attack to destroy a tank with low health would still be possible.It would also stop people flying x3 packs of C4 down to destroy a tank with full health, which is highly unrealistic and annoying!!
- 4 years ago
Not sure why, but my post which was before this one, has now been absorbed into this thread.
- 4 years ago
@GosBikerI think they should remove the tanks. To give egual opportunity to infantry.
Its unfair that players can hide inside that moving fortress. The "sit in a tank exploit" is simply unfair- 4 years ago
Infantry has equal opportunity. There is Soflam and every single time a tank comes in, you have atleast 5 to 6 infantry men trying to take it out.
You can't be expecting to 1v1 a tank or helicopter.
Battlefield has always been a game where both infantry and vehicle gameplay is important.
But right now, it just seems like the casual players are all fully expecting to do a 1v1 a tank or heli and win it?
What I am worried about is how tanks are now becoming like BFV (2nd worst Battlefield game ever) tanks. They have to sit all the way back and just spam 1, hoping to hit.
Remember those BFBC2 or BF3 days, where once a tank is destroying infantry, infantry players actually re-deploy to equip the RPG and literally do crazy stunts to get that tank destroyed. What happened to all those play styles?
All of my observations are based on Breakthrough game mode, not conquest. It is very important you understand that Breakthrough playable area is cramped with a total of 128 players, meaning the number of AA missiles and Recoiless M5 is insane, along with the Soflams, prox scanners. To top it off, AA is broken, it literally lets you fire a shot instantly after your first lock.
I would like vehicle gameplay to be back, and as an infantry, I would like to have a fair chance to work with a bunch of guys to take out any tanks.
That stupid hovercraft should not even be in the game, I have really no clue what is its purpose other than to run people over?
- 4 years ago
Yet when an infantry players complains about Vehicles being Overpowered it's
Yet when Vehicles kill 20 - 30 infantry without having to even get out to repair it's "Oh my God its super balanced perfect don't change it"
The only sad thing about this is a an Actual Anti-Tank Missile is so insanely useless in comparison.
- 4 years ago
You know how hard and awkward it is to actually place the drone, then awkwardly place the c5 on it then fly for 1-2 min before the drone runs out of battery and dies. Most of the time you dont even find a vehicle in time. It's a fun technique to use on a stationary bush wookie.
- 4 years ago
I agree 100% that this cheap exploit should not even be in the game and it needs to be removed asap. It's just pathetic and it's already easy enough to destroy tank's and other vehicles.
- 4 years ago
@Anonymou88 wrote:I agree 100% that this cheap exploit should not even be in the game and it needs to be removed asap. It's just pathetic and it's already easy enough to destroy tank's and other vehicles.
It's absolutely not an exploit.
It's always been a staple of the Battlefield experience that players will mess around with the sandbox and use items in ways the developers likely didn't even think about. It seems that people are forgetting just how fragile tanks have always been in previous Battlefield games. If you were driving a tank, any tight corner, any building, any moving vehicle or parachuting solider was a potential death sentence. A drone covered in explosives isn't a 'cheap exploit,' it's just another hazard that tank drivers need to be aware of.
If I'm not wrong, today's update has made drones easier to see and increased the size of their hitbox a little bit, but let me just say that they were not difficult to dispatch in the first place. As a gunner on a tank, or even as the driver, landing two to three hits on it with an MG will delete the drone. Let's also not forget that the mug controlling the drone is also likely doing so from a little hidey-hole somewhere, meaning they aren't doing anything to contribute to the objective while they're harassing you.
Also, just so that someone doesn't decide that I'm only saying this because I want cheap kills - I don't use C5. I've equipped it in ONE game and have maybe 4 kills with it, from strapping a jeep full of it and going full send into the side of a hovercraft. I play on console, as Casper, with an ammo box, and spend all of my time sniping. If I can take a drone out of the air with a bolt action rifle, a gunner in a tank certainly can.
- 4 years ago
@GosBikerI'm 100% okay with C5 Drones. It's a valid plan.
Remember that it doesn't do enough damage to kill a vehicle if the vehicle is moving, I'm not sure if this a bug or not but it should be intentional. This gives tank drivers the means to evade the drones."Kamikaze" drones are a real thing, maybe an actually explosive drone should be added, like in BF4. What we have now is an "Improvised Explosive Drone" and I like it.
- 4 years ago
I absolutely agree!!Being able to plant C4/C5 on the OV-P drone to insta-kill Tanks etc is a M A J O R game breaking issue [...] A heavy E X P L O I T which needs to be urgently fixed!!
- 4 years ago
@N3tRunn3r wrote:@GosBiker
I absolutely agree!!Being able to plant C4/C5 on the OV-P drone to insta-kill Tanks etc is a massive game breaking issue [...] A heavy E X P L O I T which needs to be urgently fixed!!
Some of you never got C4-ATV'd 40 times on Golmud Railway and it really shows.
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