4 years ago
RSP-Servers for 2042
Update1: JackFrags & LevelCapGaming have posted a video stating, "BF2042 servers would have persistent Banlist". It would be great if someone from EA/DICE could confirm it. @Straatford87 Update2: ...
@BFICommunity wrote:4. Not Stable - Free Community Servers in BFV continuously crash, our community hosts around 3 to 4 instances daily (for 6 months now), the servers crash multiple times in a single day. So far there hasn't been even one full day that Servers didn't crash.
Had no idea this was the case, but sadly if this is true it doesn't surprise me. I support and hope for RSP as well, but whether or not it comes to fruition I expect the quality of the Community servers to improve. It's one thing to have the occasional crash but 3-4 times a day strikes me as appalling. Fingers crossed that it was just growing pains with the first iteration and 2042's CS will be significantly more reliable.
we need indian servers pls dice