Forum Discussion
In 3 and 4 yes. Sure not many times, but yes. Problem is, since it's now basically "free for all", basic stuff is forgotten since everyone can lonewolf now. Classes kind of forced people to play based on weapons like you said. Can't deny on assault issue, but still, there were medics and supporters. Not saying there isn't now, but tbh i rarely see them now. And it's not that only, its how skins look. Ah right, enemy looks the same as my team.
Specialist VS Classes
Classes - The idea, and it worked, was that you would be more successful as a squad working together and it promoted that style of game play by restricting certain items to each class. This setup always had me thinking, what does my team need to succeed in the match, and then I would choose that class. Sometimes that need would change during the match and you would switch classes to fit the role.
Specialist - No restrictions does not promoted team play as much as the classes did. You can be just as successful solo as you would be in a squad. As a specialist you can load out as 3 classes in one, so what do you need a squad mate for? It only supports team play if you choose to do so. And trust me, it is not happening as often as it did with the classes.
I actually tired to use the repair tool today just to see how it worked. Very difficult to see if your doing something or not. You have to watch the vehicle HP counter to tell if your having an affect.
I'm actually not sure if you can destroy a vehicle with one as you could before, as I have tried and been unsuccessful.
- Man_iLoveFishing4 years agoSeasoned Ace
Yes, I'm wearing pink glasses. Enjoy that better teamwork now. When so said "best" meta will be in order, anything that you just mentioned will be flushed. Remember, free for all and people will always choose best outcome for scoring, killing.
- 4 years ago
@Man_iLoveFishingIndeed teamwork is better , me and my squads have much more teamplay opportunities that feel our needs and i dont end up with a full squads of useless recons camping miles away from objectives or support guy camping with a lmg and mortar .. or an assault who only take medic classe to get an AR ACE23 OR AEK ...
ALSO dare to say to me repair tools and anti vehicles was of any use in metro or operation.lockers maps ? They were not serving any purpose yet 50% of the poeoples took.enginerr just to have carbines wich are great cqc weapons
- 4 years ago
did you ever play battlefield 2? battlefield bad company2? battlefield3? battlefield4?
there is some sense in playing anyone and the sense of team play in these games ...
2042 there is no point in the game at all and there is one great chaos
- 4 years ago
I'm over the whole specialist vs class system, its pretty obvious they aren't going to change it. Personally I would've been perfectly happy with 4 classes in AOW and specialists until your eyes bleed in warz...I mean hazard zone. Just carry over the same gadgets and features from older games into this new game and I would've been like a pig in sh*t. Ie engineer class gets repair tool, support gets ammo pouch and can grind for box, recon gets sensor balls, tugs & mav, Assault/medic class gets quick revive, medic pouch with seret(sp?) pistol and medic box something to grind for.
I, and I think the majority of the community, simply don't understand why they need to build a better mouse trap or fix something that wasn't broken when they saw the success of BF4, they saw what worked and what didn't and literally could've just grown off of that. Instead they decided to do a complete 180 which I think throws alot of the BF4 faithful for a loop.I know people that didn't buy/play BF1/BFV because the older war stuff just wasn't interesting to them and basically have waited all this time to basically a BF4 pt 2 and this game is just a let down in the quality and content.
Those that did buy and play BF1/BFV have a new appreciation for BFV which had a really bad start(and even to this day has its issues) but for the most part is a better game than 2042 many aspects. BF1 is 10x better than 2042 and while graphics wise BF4 can't hold a candle to 2042 the destruction is 10x better than 2042, having to EARN your perks was the skill gap which I thought was unique but was removed from the franchise for whatever reason. I really hope they can turn around 2042 into a good direction.- 4 years ago
Specialists are better than old class system
I like using Medic/Support class in previouz Battlefield, it's my go to class
Limiting players from making their favourites loadout never promoted to better teamwork, in fact worse teamwork because players will only use what they like, if they like using Assault Class they cannot revive teammates forever, or people who only likes using Medic class, enemy's vehicle will roam free because there is no one bothered to destroy them
In 2042, I can still using Falck in big maps because now they can supporting teammates while can help destroying enemy vehicle, I dont have to switch to Engineer just to destroy vehicle and maybe I want to grind LMG for Tier 1 while using Medic class I can do that too, grinding your favourites weapon while doing teamwork, isn't that a good thing?
Did you see vehicles slot in Breakaway map? There are 9 slots just for Transport vehicle only, you know transport which also have 30mm cannon, if 2042 still using old class system, I can guarantee you 99% will only using Engineers lol, no reason to use other class
- 4 years ago
@Stew360 wrote:I have never ever seen such a dishonest and worthless reply in my life ... i will resume what you said basically Classes = positive specialist negative ... base on NOTHING but clouded and ignorant perceptions and lies ...
First of all , SPecialist and specialist ability can be considered as a classes in and out itself ..
Casper recon drone is similar to the MAV drones
Boris turret or Irish walls is similar to what you can expect from an engineers .
Assault specialist rely on Mobility verticality or front line defense ..
Team composition can be whatever you need it to be and every setup can benefits the team and team play , when you play with your squads you can create team composition that benefits the team , 1 with amo box and turret , the other with grapling hook and meds , the other with sensor grenade and casper recon drone and so on and on ..
And with the specialist system your friend arent stuck on the frontline with a gun not suitable for the situation , you can stick toghueter and complements each others ...
In BF3 and 4 it was common to see 80% engineers with carbines everywhere in maps that favored close quarters , or 90% medics in maps that favored medium long range , and support that were sitting on mortar outside the boundary area and never dropped a single pack of amo everrr....
Stop trying to make things as if they were better than they were ... Pink glasses wont save you agaisnt straight up facts ... Any real BF players knows what i say is true .. and anyones pretending otherwise is a ideologue nothing more
Sorry but you are very arrogant and your points although you see as valid are delivered with as much grace as a dismembered turkey.
- 4 years agoTeamwork has nothing to do with classes, its the player mentality more than any. BFBC2 was and will never be considered a Battlefield game in my book, its a poor excuse for the real deal which is BF1942 ,BF2, BFVietnam, BF3, BF4, BF1 and BFV.
We all played on servers with loads of snipers doing absolutely nada for the team and it will still be so in BF2042, here you can grab a sniperrifle, an ammocrate and do even more nada for the team.
"ny real BF players knows what i say is true .. and anyones pretending otherwise is a ideologue nothing more "
- what about .. no ? the real BF players already left this pile of .. Montana shoeshine .. for lack of better words not censored.
no. Depends solely on the guys and girls on your team, not the classes again.
I think you should aspire for moderator at EA, you sound like one.- 4 years ago
I have this written so many times in this forum now and still this is my opinion, the player is responsible for teamplay not the class or specialist, If the player is not willing to participate in teamplay it doesn’t matter what game he is playing.
The difference for me between the classes und specialist is that classes lock items to them and specialist have their active\passive and give you the freedom of choice.
Also, I have written this here somewhere in the forum, it is in the mindset of some player that they can't drop old habits and some players are not willing to learn and adapt new things.
See you on the Battlefield
- 4 years ago
@Stew360I have to respectfully disagree with your argument. I’ve already tried explaining why to you, but you refuse to listen and attempt to dismiss my reasoning with anger and toxicity, as you do to everyone who doesn’t share the same opinion as you. Different people can like different things. I’m not going to be an a**hole to everyone who disagrees with me. But hey, if you’re having fun with the game, I’m all for it. Some people aren’t, and that’s OK too. I don’t want to encourage complacency and would like to see improvements made. But I’m not going after people who don’t feel the same.
- 4 years ago@XD-DAWG11
Ive listen and there is no need to reach some fake agreements .. I am not a politician ..
The reality is your arguments does not hold up to an objective eye . Your conclusion and premise are flaw and not base on Facts .. Rather base in ideology .
I understand that you truely " believe " what you said is true and all . But its a beleifs just like beleiving in some Invisible things you have faith in ...
BF series never ever had the proper tool to have proper team work with randoms .. Since BFBC especially the game as been based on Squads or 4 to 5 only and teamplay within the squad and not including much option at all to help with this ..
Regardless of what one like or dislike . The reality is that the specialist and loadout system is just better in all way compare to traditional classes wich had to many downside that actually hurted the gameplay instead of improoving it .. Also the multiples iteration of the said classes have divided BF players into the Pro BF2 , PRo BFBC , Pro BF3 Pro BFV , and so on wich they all think their " game of choice " or starting game was the " Holy grail " or " gold standard " of the franchise and in none of those case its true ..
Peoples hate on the specialist system even before they played with it .. And once they did all they did was to find reason to justify their hate , rather than using them with an open mind .. I wasnt a big fan of specialist before i played with them .. And i wasnt fan of the classes system either .. I had proofs that system like MAG was much better for large scale combine arms games even with its technical limitation MAG was a masterpiece that actually encouraged teamwork to a degree never seen in a BF game ... Planetside 2 as well but to a lesser degree than MAG when it come to command and squad cohesion .. Regardless of taste or personal opinions these are facts that can be prooven and articulated !
I dont like narative driven discours base on emotions rather than facts and objectivity .. The specialist system and loadout system in BF2042 is objectively good and objectively better and more balanced than BF4 classes system . And it provide more team synergy options more teamplay roles more players roles to furfill and more variety . And its a good middle ground between BF2 style classes and modernize BF game ..
Also BF2042 scale was needed for a BF game and the Conquest 128 players is amasing .. Breaktrough is badly balanced and feel like a steamroll or a impossible line to break depending on maps or points .. But still in all modes ive seen terrible team and very teamplay oriented games just like Any BF before it none of that has changed ... Teamplay is made by players and unless DICE provide us with more TOOLs as i sugested in another thread nothing will change that problems classes or specialist !
Here is what BF need to improove teamplay .. Not the classes system 😉
- 4 years ago
No need to play as squad just because thanks to Angel's loadout crate you can do whatever you want whenever you need it. All you have to do is build 4 different load outs and change to them anytime inside the game without the need to die or re-deploy.
The game have lost the meaning of teamworking or play as squad. Nobody cares about what the player nearby needs. Everybody just cares on how much kills they can get.
Classes maybe were limited, but it forced players to be part of something and play as a team to reach an objective. Now, at least you are playing with friends, is more like a be in a battle royale game.- 4 years ago
Even wiith 4 different loadout you cannot have everything , that said In past battlefield i could grab any kits from the ground and be a one man army .. just killed a support need amo ? No problem switch to his support kit drop amo switch back to my kit and Voila ! ..
Same for engineers or whatever .. solo players have always been able to play soloAlso it never forced anyones into anythiing .. Countless support , Medics and engineers were never ever helping anyones ,. they were doing their thing until they died rinse and repeat
- 4 years ago
You said this and i quote : " The game have lost the meaning of teamworking or play as squad. Nobody cares about what the player nearby needs. Everybody just cares on how much kills they can get. "
I will make an emphasis on " How much kills they can get " Wow you described Battlefield 3 and 4 Metro 24/7 didnt you ? Because the last time i cheked .. Peoples only stat padded their KDR in Metro 24/7 64 players non stop running the meat grinder with bias servers admin who made their friends always respawn on the Russian side wich had the edge over the american side to Cap B point first and start the grind .. Classes didnt change a thing in that behavior .. Stats padding players will stats pad regardless of the system and you will never force them into anyhing .. If they cant get amo they will switch to a kit on the ground and give themself amo or the stuff they need ..
Past BF never force anyones into cooperating .. Only players willing to cooperate and teamplay would and will in 2042 as well .
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