@AyeballoI guess everybody wants a server that's near to them, it just is not realistic though. Compared to Germany, Sweden is not a densily populated area. Also it's not centrally located in Europe which would make the distances to players in Southern Europe too big.
On the first topic, population density, player numbers are dropping already which is not strange considering the game is over 3 years old. So splitting up the community further by adding more regional servers will do more harm than good.
On the second part, geographic position, the only way to tackle this would be to have servers in multiple locations, eg. Northern Europe, Central Europe and Southern Europe. But this would mean that EA would need to spend money on a game that is not bringing in enough revenue to compensate for that. And we all know that companies such as EA are allergic to that.
So all in all, as much as I sympathize with your request, I don't see it happening.