Forum Discussion
@CantGetRight wrote:
@Echo6EchoI can confirm the M5 does lock onto a vehicle that is being soflamed. You have to let it lock on like the AA. Sounds like you want it to be an automatic lock-on.
No, I want it to work like it worked in every other BF title out there...and again you're missing the point. I'm NOT talking about the soflam itself, I'm talking about once someone locks the soflam, what's the point of having to lock the AA as well and have it break independent of the soflam?
- DaMutha13 years agoRising Ace
So, I believe it DOES work as you say as long as the SOFLAM user maintains their own lock on the target. When using it, a quick pass will spot the vehicle; if you wait until you get a lock, it will put the yellow target on and that stays for awhile and lets others lock on with a wider variety of weapons. The best scenario is when the SOFLAM user gets a lock on and KEEPS it locked on. I believe that leads to a much quicker firing time for others. But I've not tried it in awhile. I like to SOFLAM for the 100+ spot assists it gives every round.
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