@DeepSixxxx if i want to play a PvE shooter i will go play a PvE shooter....
so instead of adding new "modes" lets take a look at most "new-modes" DICE has added these past games....
1. Hazard Zone was basically dead on arrival as it was poorly designed and offered no aditional value
2. Firestorm i personally played one round and after that never touched the gamemode ever again and had no desire....
3. Frontlines was fun i enjoyed it in BF1 as it was well presented and fit the game in BFV i played 2 rounds and just felt let down as it was just a worse version of what BF1 offered
4. Breaktrough is a shadow of what Operations were in BF1 and i enjoyed Operations a whole lot more... can't really say why but that how i feel about it
so these are just 4 modes and they all are rather letting me down and many others as well....
so instead of forcing innovation which is part of why we are stuck with games in the midst of an identity-crysis can we first polish off all the muck tainting the product?