Yeah I see the point, not enough trust in Dice at the moment get more creative with game modes without having creating a "Hazzard" mode...😃
And I agree the special needs A.I. would not work well with a complex RAID, and MW might not be as successful with RAIDS as Destiny has been...TBD...
Yet who wouldn't like BF more if players could call in a tactical nuke strike after 30 kills without I right? 🤨🤔
OK, maybe BF should not copy MW but the nukes are a creative idea and very difficult to set off, as you have to find the three elements first and then build the damn thing while being shot as every player gunning for you as they know they will lose if you set it off.
It would be cool if some type of in-game super rare achievement was possible, either one that helps you win the battle or one that rewards skilled players with cool skins, emblems, etc. Other than being on top of a janky leaderboard after a round, BF does not push players to achieve anything rare and super challenging.
It just feels like BF could have more skill challenges and be less about "X hours played= X Level"...