@TEBatray I had this problem since launch, the only thing that helped me was setting the cpu to 99% max usage in energy options of windows, the cpu is a bit slower this way but the game runs fine now with only 70-90% usage and does not peak at 100% anymore and causing lags/heavy frame drops. I still don't understand why this happens and the loss of around 1ghz per core through the missing OC would come handy at 128 player maps, but well, it runs now fine...
I tried everything else and the system ran always perfect at ANYTHING besides this game but nothing else helped besides the energy option.
if you want to try this , google "maximum ghz processor registry" and look for the option you need to add to registry so windows shows up this option.
Just be careful, the option is not hidden by default without reason, if you set it wrong unknown things might happen(like when you set processor speed to 10mhz or sth. it could be ugly to get it back to defaults)
afterwards you can set "maximum perfomance of processor" to 99%