Forum Discussion
Got a directx error message. Tried Updating whole windows also reinstalling graphics drivers. I have a 2080 super with a i7-10700k Im on windows 10. Nothing visable in event viewer. Thanks for everything! 🙂
- 4 years ago
Same here. Played beta with no problems.
- 4 years ago
Same issue on a 1060.
- 4 years ago
same problem.
- 4 years ago
I have a 3080 ti and have gotten a couple of directx error windows that say the gpu has crashed, here's the entry from event viewer Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered. I'm using 496.49 wonder if there is a better version to use for this.
- 4 years ago
@RickeyWCT I have the same issue. This came from Nvidia customer support.
- 4 years ago
Had the same issue.
Run this tool from Microsoft to fix .NET framework, then reboot.
Fixed it for me 🙂
I'm on Windows 11, 3090, latest nvidia drivers.
- 4 years ago
Unfortunately, it did not fix anything for me. Good to hear something worked for you though!
- Zeelmaekers4 years agoHero+
Long shot but worth a try!
Clean Driver install
First, do a clean driver install using Display Driver Uninstaller.
If you are not familiar with this software, here is a good guide.Not sure if this is need but.. Download latest Visual C++
Update to the latest version of Visual C++ by following the link below.
Click here to download the latest supported Visual C++- 4 years ago@Zeelmaekers I´ve done that with Nvidia support. Did not work. Good suggestion though!
- 4 years ago
This solved my Directx Error issue where it indicates I have an error with the address "PipelineLibraryPcDx12.cpp".
The way to fix the PipelineLibary error is changing the MachineGuid to d1eb246e-6243-4460-a88e-5d4e52b1ef6b.
Windows key + R, then enter regedit.
Under LOCAL_MACHINE, find Microsoft, then Cryptography.
Under Cryptography you will find MachineGuid, make sure you back up ur original MachineGuid before changing, then enter the one provided above.
This resolved my issue.- 4 years ago
Same worked for me man. Thanks alot
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